How old are you, and...


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
What is your ultimate goal in life? If you're life were the ideal way you'd like it, what would that be?

I'll tell you as soon as I think about it some more.

By the way... How old do you think I am? :confused:
I'm nearly 20. I don't want to think about my future. I never do it. I hate thinking about it! OK now that I'm a student I'd like to get over with my studies and have a job that I will enjoy doing. But that's all..
I think you're.. hmm.. 24? :)
Im 22. Im going to college for no apparent reason other than the sake of knowledge. It would be hell for me to get some degree so I can spend the rest of my life at some 9-5 job. I really just want to make music and live on a mountain.
I am 17 and will be going to college next year. I really don't want to have to deal with it although I know it will be a good learning experience. When I think about my future, I would ideally like to have a very simple job that I enjoyed. I think working in a cd store would be nice, but I know that couldn't take care of financial problems. I basically want to be with someone I love and have the ability to stay at home and just lay around and listen to music if that's what I wanted to do. I just want to try to have fun with my life and enjoy myself while I am here. I don't want to have to worry about trivial things that ultimately do not matter. I just want
I am 20 and...its ironic but my ultimate goal in life is having a will to live...something i somehow keep looking and getting closer but never has just stroke me badly again like 5 minutes ago yet i know it is not over i just wish i could find my will to leave faster...i do not wish to run out of time

O and you look like you have i do not know mm...between 19 and 24? its hard to me to guess the age in people
I'm 19 going on ancient (in wisdom, at least!:))
I'm in college studying Criminal Justice. I don't know which way I want to go with it yet, but I have this naive hope that I can find a way to help make the world run better for people. I think about going into law, and trying to find ways to stop the enforcement of bullshit laws that are only passed due to arbitrary decisions by such people as the christian right (oops, I mean Christian Reich), and other such groups that are destroying the whole reasons we have laws in the first place...
I thought about it enough and here's my answer:

I want to... become a god and deal swift and bloody vengeance to the sheep of this world Hahahahaha!!!!! :devil:

Seriously though. As I said in another post, I want to live by doing something I love (still not sure what that is) and make enough money to buy the things I want. I picture myself living independantly (or with a partner) and hanging with a handful of oddball friends from time to time. Going places, sitting around my (or their) apartment and goofing around, or just having deep discussion.

Nothing fancy, and certainly nothing glamorous. I just want to live and enjoy life as best I can.

By the way, I'm 18 years old (or is that, years young?). I asked because some people comment that I act very mature for my age... go figure. :)
I will turn 21 very soon.....
My only goals is to move to some colder country and buy a house on a mountain or in a ncie suburb :)
having a good job-carrier is another goal,but hmmm i don't really think i'll ever make it.....
im 20, and my goals are to find/keep/have people to share my life with and be happy with, and to make music and share it with people..

so far both those are coming along nicely,
i even have a new band as of 2 weeks ago when a guy i didnt know called me up coz he'd heard i was a good guitarist and that i liked Opeth... :) its made me a very happy person, i'd pretty much given up on ever having a band where i get to play the music i really really love, i figured id have to compromise somewhat... :)
i'm 22, turning 23, and in my final year of mech engineering. Next year I'll head for an MBA in Russia. Somehow the US or England don't attract me as much as the eastern part of Europe with its recent oh so tragic history.
One of my dreams is to build machines and implement them everywhere in the world. Or laying pipelines through afghanistan. Don't know if I ever gonna get there, though.

Apart from tha my life consists entirely out of women. I'm on a quest for true love, and like the way I'm hanging on now, it will probably take a lifetime to find her.

In fact, maybe it's gotta do with women that I chose Russia in the first place.
I'm 23 years old and I don`t have any goals in my life, I take life as it comes. :rolleyes:
Maybe one goal would be go to Europe to the Dynamo and Wacken Open Air to see all the bands that will never come to Chile.

Well that would be, but maybe, just maybe I start to learn to play guitar, and make a band, that wolud be great, playing Nuclear Assault kinda-thrash.

Yes that would be a challenge, thought I never could play guitar all these years, I hope it is not too late

Is it too late? :confused:
This thread has been done before, and as before, I'll probably be the oldest to post here:

41 - and damn proud to be a metalhead (the only true one in the family). My kids learn about the good music from me, which is probably a total reversal with what most of you deal with in music.

Goals: hmmmm - I've past all of that "I want to be successful and make a lot of money" crap. My goal now is to help my family through life being a husband and parent. As my kids get older (18 & 16), the type of "help" changes, but I enjoy living part for myself, and sharing the rest of me with my family. These tentacles reach to my parents and brother, but it is by far strongest within the confines of my direct family. (This also includes Quasi - our cockatiel (who is like a 3rd kid), Cocoa the guinea pig, Samantha the hamster, Flinch & Buzz - our 2 finches, Azuela & Ray - our 2 fishes.
I am almost 40, I have enjoyed a 20+ year career in the USN...I am now ready to go back to college and obtain my Master's Degree in Computer Management or Public Administration, I haven't decided yet, but will decide soon.

I still have my daughter to raise (she is almost 12), and my son is already married and works as an Air Traffic Controller in the USN.

So my goals are...1. finish bringing up my daughter and 2. Obtain my Master's Degree.
I'm 21 years old and my goal in life is to have a wife and kids and our own house, and a job that I actually like. Take or leave the job part, but I really want the rest. Well, I hope at least some of those will happen :)