How old are you, and...

i'm 18, don't have any plans or goals for the future, surprised i've made it this far :) i just take each day as it comes and somehow things seem to fall into place

i want a job in public policy/research that doesn't require me to work in downtown DC, but i fear this is unrealistic. i want to make enough money to be able to vacation whenever and wherever i want, but again, i fear this is unrealistic -- especially on a researcher's salary! i want to always have at least one good companion in my life.
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
I am 17 and will be going to college next year. I really don't want to have to deal with it although I know it will be a good learning experience. When I think about my future, I would ideally like to have a very simple job that I enjoyed. I think working in a cd store would be nice, but I know that couldn't take care of financial problems. I basically want to be with someone I love and have the ability to stay at home and just lay around and listen to music if that's what I wanted to do. I just want to try to have fun with my life and enjoy myself while I am here. I don't want to have to worry about trivial things that ultimately do not matter. I just want

he/she (don't know) basically said it ,, although i'm only 15 yet so
I'm 23...
right now I work at a travel agency and go to school full/part-time. I have quite a few goals dealing with both my education and my personal life....

I ultimately want to get a degree in Biochemistry (or something of the sort) and pursue a career in the field of forensics (maybe Forensic Psychology or working in a lab somewhere).

My job just asked me if I want to become a travel agent for Europe, so that's what I'm going to start doing next year.

I want to travel to as many places as possible. The next place that I want to go to after Europe this winter is Patagonia (the very tip of South America).

I want to fall in love with an intelligent, sensitive man and live in a not too urban area (preferably outside of the U.S.)

I guess I'm working toward all of those things (with the exception of finding a suitable mate). Something that has taken me quite a while to learn is that I can't accomplish everything at once, so I'm taking steps to do everything as well as possible without driving myself crazy so I can reach the next goal.
Originally posted by warsofwinter

he/she (don't know) basically said it ,, although i'm only 15 yet so

he...nice to know someone else thinks the same way.

NastyJoan, I also want to how to play guitar soon. I just don't really have time now. I don't plan to do anything professionally, but who knows. I just want to be able to play music.
I'm 20 and at the age of 19 had supposedly "made it", working a pretty decent salary office job for an exciting educational sports multimedia software development company. I had acquired my car, and plans to move out and do that whole "grown-up" thing were in full swing. Then, we got our fiscal asses kicked, all got layed off, and now I'm back serving pancakes in the local IHOP. The thing is, I hated that job (the office one). In an odd way, back with my old buddies at the restaurant, I feel far more comfortable, even though the job itself sucks (although I can make surprisingly decent money at a fair amount less than 40 hours a week, which is pretty nice). But, I know I can (and will) not be there for long - I must satisfy my supposed potential. However, the high-tech industry is in danger and noone is hiring... I'm keeping myself occupied and my skills sharp designing album covers and splash pages. So I'm at a bit of an impasse - I'm not sure where to go from here - and in the meantime, I'm just making my car payments, keeping busy creatively, and trying to learn... everything I can.

Do I go back to school in a new career direction? What would that be? Do I go back for additional study in the multimedia field and try again? How long can I stay like I am now - not pushing towards any big kind of goal?

As by sense of being rests right now - I'd want to make enough money in my many and varied creative projects to live a decently fiscally sound and secure life, although pretty much entirely on my terms ...I don't think it works that way, tho.
Im 22. Im going to college for no apparent reason other than the sake of knowledge. It would be hell for me to get some degree so I can spend the rest of my life at some 9-5 job. I really just want to make music and live on a mountain.

Wow, me too!

Except I'm 21 and I'm not sure about the mountain.

the best goal that I watched is Maradona's goal in 86!!!

Why you son of a.....

The best goal is Dennis Wise at the San Siro in the Champs league 99/00 to put AC Milan out!
It would be hell for me to get some degree so I can
spend the rest of my life at some 9-5 job.

Then just get a degree or mayor in music or drop out in favor of a music collegue or something. Do not realize that you should have done that too late like me now because of my age in some school and my dropouts of other majors its too late for me i will never study music unless i move out of my city wich is a possibility but i would not want to give up my band
Originally posted by Unhallowed
I'm 21 years old and my goal in life is to have a wife and kids and our own house, and a job that I actually like. Take or leave the job part, but I really want the rest. Well, I hope at least some of those will happen :)

I second Tero on most of what he said. I turned 25 last week.
I'm 20, and I want to (and soon probably will) get a good job in the computer industry so I can earn enough money to build a small home studio...

Originally posted by Oyo
"And penis is Russian for...."

And how does this joke end ?:lol: :confused:

D Mullholand
I am 20... Just finished 3rd year of a double degree in Electronic Engineering / Computer Science, which I enjoy for what it is. I would like to revel in academia with this eventually, but this is more like a vague idea. I don't have any defined goals, I just want to look around at a few things and maintain interesting/intimate relationships with people.
Originally posted by Eclipse

whooo, the major cities... anyway, unless you go by plane, you'll pass through belgium, so I recommend you take a stop there. :)

Hey, I have a friend who moved to Liege a couple of years ago...
Actually I will be travelling by train the whole way....I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing the last few days I'm out there....Probably stay in Amsterdam and smoke weed the whole time.