Beat Detective question.


Apr 11, 2006
I like to record all my tracks for an album in one session in Pro Tools. Simplifies mixing process, etc..

However, I'm planning out some tempo tracks for an album I'm starting drum tracking for tomorrow and it looks like the songs will average around 200 bars each. With 8 songs, this puts the last three tracks over the 1000 bar mark, and Beat Detective doesn't like to work with anything above the 999 mark.

Any hints or tips as to how to get around this problem? I have some pretty full-on tempo maps and obviously can't have these fucked up by BD creating points for the last few songs, but at the same time BD says the bars must be between -999 and 999.. Any help would be appreciated!

Obviously I could approach it by tracking each track individually and editing individually before taking all edited tracks into a single session for mixing but I would rather do it the other way if possible.

Thanks in advance