Beat detective tips needed!


Apr 11, 2006
Hey all..
Im working on a project at the moment where I want the drums to be ABSOLUTELY perfect - and Im having a few problems with beat detective.. For some reason sometimes it will just throw the drums all over the place, I dont get why..
Also, there are three tracks in one PT session, with the click track changing all over the place - How on earth do I get this to work properly?! I have no idea!
you gotta be careful and follow some simple guidelines really..

Always select in grid mode, and always from the beginning off the bar.
Do not make a selection over a tempo change, that'll throw it out.

The best way ive found is to do it in sections of the beat, and do fills separately.
then it can be a case of trial and error with the different quantize settings and making sure you have no false triggers.

The best way to stop this is (well this is how i do it anyway. no idea how to use collection mode, still after all this time. terrible!).


Have two edit groups. One for all the drums, and one for just the kick snare and toms.
When making a selection, use the shell edit group (i normally call it drum bd or just bd)

Select using drum bd. Then open up beat detective. (apple+8)
Seperate (i use 5-10 ms region pad)
Then turn on the all drums edit track select down.. using the shorcut, which off the top of my head is ; in key command focus.

Then switch to the conform tab on the beat detective window
work out what setting you'll need - its normally 1/4 or 1/8 for simple beats, and generally 1/16 for fills, but beware triplets!!
then hit conform..

Listen back (yes WITH the annoying gaps) and check that it all sounds good.
If not either undo and try a different quantize setting, or failing that check for false triggers and try again.

If it REALLY wont work, sometimes shifting the region manually earlier or later so its generally close to the grid can help too.

Then once you've done this through the whole song (Yes AGAIN!) duplicate the playlist as a backup.
Then open up beat detective again (apple+8)
Go to the edit smoothing tab
Choose Fill and crossfade and a time around 5-10 ms (sorry you gotta experiment)
Then choose fade.

Then while it does that Depending on the speed of your computer you should have enough time to Put the kettle on and have a cigarette (absolutely mandatory)

Now listen through the whole song again to make sure the fades havent caused any glitches by crossfadding in the wrong place..
Fix any dodgy fades..

When this is done...
Save as 'drum edit done'
highlight the drum regions from the end to the begining - the easiest way is to click the last one and press shift+enter
Then consolidate the regions ( Alt+shift+3)

you can stop there, but i would also do the following to keep the session size down, and to help Pro tools run smoothly....

Save the song as 'drum edited' or something
Then delete any unused playlists (you have these backed up in an earlier session)
Go to the region list on the right and click select unused after a heavy Bd session this can take a while, so dont panic if you get a beach ball of doom.
When you can see loads highlighted, click clear in the region list. then choose clear NOT delete

After this do a save session copy as and choose a path for the new cleared out session
Select copy all audio files and tick dont copy fade files

Voila nice tidy Tight drums, and a nice tidy session.

Hope that helps you all
Select using drum bd. Then open up beat detective. (apple+8)
Seperate (i use 5-10 ms region pad)
Then turn on the all drums edit track select down.. using the shorcut, which off the top of my head is ; in key command focus.

This is the only step that confuses me. So do we seperate the overheads also?
yeah. as part of the drums all group. the shortcut should select all the drum tracks edit group

using them to work out where the hits are (drum bd group) can throw other things out, so you gotta change to selecting that as well occasionally. but i genereally leave it out
When I have the tracks all in one edit group and use beat detective on them to seperate only the first track is being sliced. Am I doing something wrong? They are all selected and they are all highlighted but it still only does the slicing to the topmost track.
Nevermind I got it working. This was the first time I have used Beat Detective and my first impressions are extremely good. It sounds very natural. Thank you very much Greyskull!
Cheers for the advice, yeah I had all that sorted but was having problems with beats just outside of the grids, if that makes sense. Also, for adjusting the trigger thing, when and why is the hand greyed and inactive?
And cheers, Ill check out the Kenny Gioia stuff.

Hey greyskull, the triplets have always pissed me off. You just barely mentioned them; do you have any tips for those? Just do triplet sections separately, still using the kick and snare track as the guide for making markers?
yeah aaron just do em seperatly is the best way ive found, otherwise they can pull normal beats to the triplet grid.
tricky little bastards triplets, use the same edit groups
sounds like you should find a new drummer or different genre. lol

Was it recorded to a click? Did he listen to the click? :) The style doesn't matter much, some things just take longer.

Let's continue this conversation elsewhere, contact me via the Beat fixx website.