Beat Fixx - Natural Performance Enhancement For Drums

Haha, don't worry Gav, the PC + Cubase/Reaper users are still alive and well, and may even be the majority (Mac users just love getting in willy-waving contests is all :lol: )
hey hey now Gavin... seems more than a bit like you are referring to me and i no likey... first of all, AGZ is using pro tools, so i was in fact being supportive to him. Second: So i'm an "elitist defending my overpriced purchase??" yes, i have HD, but i didn't say a damn thing about that, i merely said that PT ( i didn't specify HD or LE) has always been the standard-setter for audio editing and that it has seriously stepped it up on the midi side in recent years... and both of those statements are patently true, so go walk the plank or some shit.

and yeah, i guess the entire pro community who's paid more than than $2K for their DAW rigs are a bunch of self-deluded elitists.... because clearly all you need is a $1500 investment in your DAW & i/o and you're done... there's just no further you can go and every other penny spent is wasted, right? well there's def some justifyin' & self-delusion going on around here, that's for sure.

i post on this forum because i think that there's some good young talent here that i like to believe may well rise up in the next few years, and we can hang out and drink over-priced beer at one of the NAMM cafés and chat about the latest high-end gear before we head over to the booth to check it out in person. if any of you think you're going to achieve that (as anything other than a spectator) with a mickey mouse rig and a "everything is equal, nothing's better than anything else so to hell with discernment and nuanced judgment" mentality, then i guess i may still run into you in Anaheim... Disney is walking distance from the Convention Center.
hey hey now Gavin... seems more than a bit like you are referring to me and i no likey...

Actually no man, it was a general statement aimed at any and everyone, haha. I'm not playing the blame game, it's just sad to see a guy offer a great service which is useful to many, willing to do the shit other's can'r/don't wanna and (not anyone in particular) people just rip him to shreds for DAW choice.

This, believe it or not, wasn't at you or anyone but more a "board attitude" that i have witnessed lately.

Appologies if it was taken the wrong way man, rather than try and single anyone out, i was just trying to show support/encourage AGZ here and get his thread back on track.
ah ok then, i withdraw my imperative that you walk the plank, lol.... still think AGZ is using PT, right? AGZ?
Actually no man, it was a general statement aimed at any and everyone, haha. I'm not playing the blame game, it's just sad to see a guy offer a great service which is useful to many, willing to do the shit other's can'r/don't wanna and (not anyone in particular) people just rip him to shreds for DAW choice.

This, believe it or not, wasn't at you or anyone but more a "board attitude" that i have witnessed lately.

Appologies if it was taken the wrong way man, rather than try and single anyone out, i was just trying to show support/encourage AGZ here and get his thread back on track.

Gav, I think you got your wires crossed here. AGZ bagged on Cubase initially, but has edited his opening post now. I don't think anyone here was ripping AGZ (or anyone for that matter), for using a certain DAW. It was more a discussion about the actual DAW's themselves. Anyway we've gone way off topic here, sorry for dragging this OT again AGZ. It sounds like a great service, and if I ever need anything like this, I'll be sure to hit you up buddy. :)
ah ok then, i withdraw my imperative that you walk the plank, lol.... still think AGZ is using PT, right? AGZ?

Cool and i dunno what he uses, i just came into the thread and saw another "Cubum sucks, protools sucks" thing totally dereailing the thread. I wasn't sure who started it and it wasn't a "mac and protools suck" rant :D

DAW/OS bitching is pish..

All i meant was stop DAW bittching and support the guy, even if he "started it". :lol:!

It's all good!
truth be told... pcs do indeed suck :lol:

all kidding aside (though pcs do really suck) AGZ is doing a cool thing and i'm sure many people including myself can benefit from it if the situation is right.
Cubase, Logic, Samplitude, Pro Tools, Garageband, Ableton Live, Sonar etc. it doesn't matter, send me consolidated wavs.
it's easier if both the client and I are on PT 7.4, I can send back just the session file, (~3MB) and have PT magically recreate the corrected tracks on the other end. Otherwise its possibly a couple GB to download the new files again.

I use:
PT LE 7.4 w/ MPT
Win XP Pro sp3
Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 (2.40GHz)
digi 002r

ps. don't forget its HALF PRICE for Sneap forum members.
I have enough love for all DAWs. I use PT for editing, Cubase for mixing, and most of my clients are on Sonar for whatever reason.

My subjective take on the whole situation is:

ProTools wins (on almost all fronts - especially editing). Digidesign loses (the way they've bracketed the market sucks. I don't want to use an Mbox or 002, I want functional ADC without using ATA and I want in-built VST support). Cubase wins if you don't have money leaking out your arse and want a capable tracking/mixing/sequencing platform. If I didn't need to edit drums, vox or whatever I think Cubase would cover me on almost all fronts.

Though let me say that I don't think I'd ever use Elastic Audio to quantize metal drums again. Way too much artifacting and the sonic result tends to be quite a fair way better if you go editing-crazy on BD. Elastic Audio has its place, but I think it's with much more conservative editing.
how far do you really need to stretch the audio for drum work? if it's more than a 16th note off I chop the region and put it where it should be. No artifacts that way.
that's what Beat Detective does... which is why i'm still using that for drum editing. don't get me wrong, i love elastic audio, but i still think BD is best for serious drum editing... the rhythmic algorithm in EA is a bit screwy and requires way to much adjustment throughout the course of a song to get a consistent result, i find. maybe you're just working with tighter drummers, ;).
Elastic Audio as a concept is a wonderful thing, but as James put it, the implementation needs some work. BD may be choppier and slower but the end result SOUNDS better and that's what it's all about.
apologies if my cubendo bashing offended anyone... i was just winding you all up.

And i agree, BD wins sonically over elastic audio anytime.
AGZ..Last saturday I recorded the drums of a song...Dagoba cover. I edited that drums for the last 2's not the worst drum take ever but there are little imprecisions here and there, expecially with the grid position (several mistakes that you can hardly hear if you don't look the tracks and someone else that are more noticeable).
The editing takes me 2 days because I did it with Logic (no Beatdetective or similar) and every single cut has been made by it was very frustrating.
So if you want the tracks to use as example I'll send to you.

I've a question: when you edits drums, do you edit everything not in grid, also if it sounds cool? Or do you tend to edit only the noticeable mistakes? Because sometimes there are tiny timing errors that you can't notice also if you hear the takes with the click....
::Xes:: - 2 days! You need to find a better method. I always edit on the grid, if drums weren't tracked to a click I'll make a tempo map for each section and warp to make each section steady. Depending on how much quantizing sounds good on the song I'll generally start by quantizing on a 1/2 note grid, then adjust the 1/4 notes if I want it tighter. Past 1/8 note grid correction it really starts to change the feel. For light pop/rock/country I can usually stop there, for metal and fast stuff I'll do 16 or 32 note grids and do pretty much every hit.

Narcossintese - Ableton Live has a pretty similar warp function to PT, however I don't think it works as nice and you can't group the tracks to keep phase coherency.
Yeah, a friend of mine reccomend me Ableton live as well, and rewire Logic with it.

AGZ: Yeah 2 days is too much..I know. But I did it without quantizing because the Logic's procedures don't work...I don't know I move by hand every wrong hit with an Auto X-Fade. It comes out pretty well, but it takes waaaaay too much time.