Beatles overrated??

probably the most overrated band ever. in all seriousness they werent bad for their time.. but things have moved on now and its hard to look back without going... wtf was all the fuss about
Help I need somebody Help not just anybody Help you know I need somebody Hellllppp

When I was younger so much younger than todayyy never needed anybody's help in anyway.. Help me if you can Im feeling doowwn.

Overrated .. naaahhhhh even if you dont enjoy the music just look at the thousands of musicians influenced or inspired to make music by them and be grateful.
" Something in the way she moves,
Attracts me like no other lover.
Something in the way she woos me.
I don't wanna leave her now,
You know I believe, and how."

George wrote that^ didnt he?? I like that one a lot, especially when Frank Sinatra sings it.

Its kind of ridiculous the amount of quality songs the Beatles wrote really. Well i really enjoy them anyway.

Dont know much about what was going on at that time, who were the Beatles influenced by? Who would they have been listening to growing up?
if you count how many rock bands have been influenced by the beatles i'd say they're deffo not overrated. i dont like them much, but they've offered immensly to music like.
"As musicans none of them were perticuarly talented (they even had Eric Clapton do thier guitar solos on some of the later albums). As songwriters they did write some very good stuff but most of it is average to bad."

No fuckin' way!!!

"Furthermore I think the majority of their fans, especailly the younger ones claim to like the Beatles just to fit in"

Crimsonfloyd, 1967

Is that guy stupid? ............... Listening to the Beatles "just to fit in" in 2004?!?!?!?
Argh, not this again, could we at least name the thread "Is Anathema the new Beatles?" or sth, this is just too old, even for this forum.
Fine, if you wish to discucc their music, but this is like the 5th thread that goes no further than "They're overrated" shouters vs. "they're the most important band in history and you're an idiot for thinking otherwise" shouters.
ha-ha this threads so funny. dont you wanna start another, for example whos bigger: the Beatles or Elvis? :))
I'll be honest about my stand on this, I've never had much pleassure listening to the Beatles, prefer Bon Jovi, Boston, Def Leppard and loads of others actually :p , but I've never heard a musician I respected argue the fact that they were the most important band in modern music or whatever, so I respect their authority on the matter and amen to that. What do I really care anyway.

NP: Boston- Someone :)