
Frost of the sanctum

Broken Lance
Feb 20, 2002
Bridgeview Illinois
I remember the first time I heard Opeth after thinking ok... WEIRD, I thought "oh man this is too beautiful!" From that point on I based music on two things beauty and talent. As far as I am concerend the two most beautiful things in existance are women and music. Me and Sentanced to burn would have hour long conversations about Opeths greatness. Now hopefully our band will be talked about in such a way one day. I just wanna make beautiful music for me and others to enjoy, after seeing the beauty of Opeth, I have been inspired in such a way. I just wanna say Mikael you are an absolute genius, and your music has done so much for me. i really appreciate that you share it with us. Martin Mendez is coolness personified :D. I also wanna say that I dont take kindly to trolls so dont even start with me because I wont listen to your stupid shit. I already had a Blind Guardian forum ruined because of trolls and I dont need it here. Anyway I am glad to be here and are looking forward to getting to know all of you.
Yeah but overall to me nothing is more beautiful to me than a women. Everyday at school I see gorgeous girls, but most are stuck up preps. Which to me ruins it. I would sit here and talk about how magnificently beautiful women are but I dont wanna get flammed so I will shut up! :D
I just wanna say Mikael you are an absolute genius, and your music has done so much for me. i really appreciate that you share it with us.

Perfectly put. I know he doesn't know how many people he's lives he's touched. I guess if we keep it up on this board, which he has posted in just recently, he will. :) Welcome!

Melancholia: "i am the troll of the board but i am not a naughty least not in here"

Oh, you've got the troll #1 title! I saw #2 under someone else's (Brutalizer?) and wondered who took #1. :lol: That's funny. I know you have GOT to know how pretty you are by now. If not, well, hang around. We'll get it through your head sooner or later. ;)

OK, Brutalizer, the troll #2, is the naughty one, eh? That new avatar looks sort of trollish..:err:

"Her candlelight snuffed, the icon smiled."
Oyo: "Most of the stuck up or nasty people don't seem beautiful to me, it's the people I don't know much about but am too shy to talk to I find beautiful.

Hm. I wonder why? Do you?