I use to think......

Innbydelse said:
how does a 7th string make me lack talent?

I doubt that Ian meant exactly you, it's just a fact that most nu-metal bands that use 7-stringers play fairly easy riffs and just either have excessive use of the 7th string which makes the music seem "heavy". To metal's own teenyboppers.
Then again Ian could've meant exactly you.
TheFourthHorseman said:
I doubt that Ian meant exactly you, it's just a fact that most nu-metal bands that use 7-stringers play fairly easy riffs and just either have excessive use of the 7th string which makes the music seem "heavy". To metal's own teenyboppers.
Then again Ian could've meant exactly you.

yeah i know what you mean but great metal bands like Soilwork and Extol tune thier guitars to B standard which is like a 7-string without the high E string....and these bands sure arent nu-metal..

besides all nu-metal uses are drop tunings....i keep my 7-string in standard tuning

haha.....and the 7th string doesnt make anything easier to play for me....it is just as if i tuned my guitar down 2.5 steps.....i still get standard tuning and the low B tuning.....that is why i like 7-strings.

i dont think there is anything lazy about it.

unless you want to play 3 chords and complain about life and everything else.....

it all depends on how you use it..

hell punk bands use standard tuning and thier music is so fucking simple
as far as I know they only do so on the new album Dead Heart In A Dead World...they're perhaps a bit in the same vein with Iced Earth,but less rhythm oriented and they've got more modern lyrics and music,where as IE obviously has more of that 80's sound. Hopefully you already know IE.
So for their style I'd just call it heavy metal. It's good stuff,just download some or go listen to them in the cd store.
Innbydelse said:
yeah i know what you mean but great metal bands like Soilwork and Extol tune thier guitars to B standard which is like a 7-string without the high E string....and these bands sure arent nu-metal..

besides all nu-metal uses are drop tunings....i keep my 7-string in standard tuning

haha.....and the 7th string doesnt make anything easier to play for me....it is just as if i tuned my guitar down 2.5 steps.....i still get standard tuning and the low B tuning.....that is why i like 7-strings.

i dont think there is anything lazy about it.

unless you want to play 3 chords and complain about life and everything else.....

it all depends on how you use it..

hell punk bands use standard tuning and thier music is so fucking simple

I'm not very ecstatic about the new Soilwork though..I know that it's gonna be just like with In Flames. They changed with Clayman which was good and then Reroute To Remain was the worst shit to hit the earth. Now Natural Born Chaos ruled but got boring already for me (which Clayman hasn't done), so Figure Number Five will most likely be a total disappointment.
nevermore is traditional/thrash metal though the singing isn't as agressive on the whole. some would say power metal but that would depend on your definition of the term i suppose (ie no ball grabbing or dragon slaying). THey use 7-string guitars on 1 cd, their newest cd dead heat in a dead world. you can get tabs at their official site http://www.nevermore.tv/ or http://go.to/GoddamnTab probably amoung others. i recommend them VERY highly, but then what is that worth.
I started out in this order..
Still Life (I loved this CD and listened nonstop for a whole year)
My Arms Your Hearse
Blackwater Park
Then I downloaded some of their other stuff, like Remember Tommorow and Circle of Tyrants off Kazaa.