WAI!?!?!?! I hate them
I know, and that gives me endless streams of pleasure.
We all see music differently, so why obcess about it? Why even care of some person defies the sterotypes, in this case (although not addressing you alone, Chris), of either liking Lunar Strain through Subterranean, or only the post Clayman stuff? So this guy listens to the mainstream stuff. So what? Most of us have been there.
I can recall being over the moon with Bon Jovi's It's My life, the first semi-hard rock song I can recall hearing, way back in 2001. I can recall feeling a bit nauseous when listening to the deep background growls in the chorus of In Flames' F(r)iend back in 2004. I recall being almost scared when listening to Belphegor's Sepulture of Hypocrisy in the same year.
I also recall being in love with TGC and posting a thread in which I was roundly booed in 2005.
Right now I'm listening to early Behemoth.
I guess my point is that there's a journey for most metal fans, starting with hard rock and ending at Black metal or the like, and we're all at different stations along the way. So why get angry at people who are on their way to where you are?
Also there are people who 'stay' at a certain genre, such as the old school thrash fans, and millions out there who will never get into the kind of music you are. If you're gonna scowl at them all and insult them, that's a lot of wasted energy.
I'm aware that some of you know this already, I'm just throwing it out there.
As far as feeling awkward/afraid or the like when listening to this dark, gritty stuff, it's not a unique situation. I think it's something that'll go away in time, but it could be that the music resonates with something ominous in your head. I won't tell you to run to the nearest psychologist, but just (sounds a bit cheesy but w/e) stay alert. If you find that you might suddenly want to hurt someone/yourself without there being any appearent cause, I advise you to seek help.
That, as they say, are my two cents on the whole thing.