Because the world needs another guitar tone thread.

I just rented the Recto for the weekend so I haven't had much time with it yet, but so far I'm really digging it. The funny thing is, it sounds ten times better than an old, 2-channel Dual that I borrowed a while back. Of course that could be a tube issue or anything.
But they seem like really complementary amps to each other; the 5150 has that nice midrange clarity, and the Recto has a kinda more scooped sound with a much bigger low end than the 5150. Cool. The 5150 is actually louder in the mix in that clip. I'll try to post the clip with 2 tracks of each amp seperately tomorrow so you can check it out for yourself.
Matt...a Dual Recto and a 5150 layered is always my first choice when the band brings in crappy equipment or has me reamp their tracks. It's the first two amps I lean for when I go to setup the session here at the studio. Dual Recto + 5150 is just a killer combination, I'll say it before, and I'll say it again, it's like they were seriously designed to compliment each other.

Yes, that's exactly it man. The 5150 has all the midrange and clarity and everything. The Mesa has a TON more bottom end and handles it better, as well as a scooped sound overall. They fit together so perfectly it should be fucking illegal, IMO.

Great sound Matt!
How did you pan the amps?
5150 100 left
boogie 80 left
boogie 80 right
5150 100 right
That's thick sounding ! have you had to scoop the mids on the 5150 or not?
Scooping or not on the 5150 is something that I think about a lot
I ended sometimes with a too much scooped sound, so the guitars are not clear, while too much mids going on and then guitars are less "heavy"
Just tried it out... works like fucking magic!!! Damn. You just saved me a lot of grief. Matt, 006, if ever we cross paths in real life, I owe you a beer. I'll make sure it's real beer too: Something from Canada, not like that watered-down horse-piss you guys serve in the States approximating 'beer.'

Unless, of course, it's Shiner Bock. :kickass:
OzNimbus said:
Just tried it out... works like fucking magic!!! Damn. You just saved me a lot of grief. Matt, 006, if ever we cross paths in real life, I owe you a beer. I'll make sure it's real beer too: Something from Canada, not like that watered-down horse-piss you guys serve in the States approximating 'beer.'

Unless, of course, it's Shiner Bock. :kickass:
One Pabst Blue Ribbon coming Matt's way! :lol: