Bed Of Razors is/was a rip-off ( WTF! )

I doubt that's a ripoff too.
They seem to have spawned from different ideas, musically speaking
Bed of razors seems like a phyrgian arabic-like intro
On the other hand, the timing and the tone of alison hell is meant to sound dark and unresolved.
in fact if you truely want to be pickie the intro of bed of razors is a old Mozart song, or it sounds like that, anywhome on the subject of riping of songs any musicain will tell you that there is only so meny places you can go after a certian note so stop crying about it and eat a ham and cheese tostie like i am :)
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Seriously, who gives a shit. Everybody recycles music.

I agree. You can't write anything these days because always someone comes and whines about how it sounds like a riff some band from somewhere made 20 years ago. It's not like every goddamn musician has to know every fucking riff composed in the world in order to write their own stuff.
Kirurgisti said:
I agree. You can't write anything these days because always someone comes and whines about how it sounds like a riff some band from somewhere made 20 years ago. It's not like every goddamn musician has to know every fucking riff composed in the world in order to write their own stuff.
indeed :worship:
I bet Alexi never heard that song before... Who gives a fuck anyway... Bed of Razors is great, end of story... :)
Missiles said:
Yup, it is. I dunno if this has been discussed before, if it has, blame Joonas.

The other I was listening to an Annihilator CD with some friends and went the first seconds of "Alison Hell" came in we were like "Huh, I've listened to this before..."

Listen to Annihilator - Alison Hell and then to Bed Of Razors and you'll realize quickly!


man clean your head :wave: :wave:
Duh, the title of the topic was just to catch your attention. I wasn't complaining about nothing, but I just thought that this was a curious thing to comment. :p

I think that the intros or both songs are quite similar. Furthermore, I think that the main melody of BoR has the same notes of some part of the Annihilator song but in reverse order. ( for me the similarities are evident :-/ )

But anyway, I think that this was just a coincidence, even if Alexi had listened to that song before. When BoR was being composed it surely came up without Alexi thinking about the Annihilator one.

Back in the topic of rip-offs and that stuff, most rip-offs aren't full rip-offs at all, I think. That's because in most cases, they are the same thing but in a different context, so at the end they are different things. :hypno:

Yeah, noticed that some time ago. It isnt the most obvious riff CoB took influence from, but that's definitely one I think. Plus, Alexi once said he was a Jeff Waters fan. Bu then again, nobody can tell, except him..

...also, I must agree that recycling has always been there - but nobody does it as obvious as CoB though :P (i.e : Lil' Blood Red Riding Hood, Sixpounder and other classical parts from the 2 first albums). Except maybe Puddle Of Mud that completly emulates Nirvana :lol:...
ND24/7 said:
Yeah, noticed that some time ago. It isnt the most obvious riff CoB took influence from, but that's definitely one I think. Plus, Alexi once said he was a Jeff Waters fan. Bu then again, nobody can tell, except him..

...also, I must agree that recycling has always been there - but nobody does it as obvious as CoB though :P (i.e : Lil' Blood Red Riding Hood, Sixpounder and other classical parts from the 2 first albums). Except maybe Puddle Of Mud that completly emulates Nirvana :lol:...

What are Sixpounder and Lil Bloodred Ridin hood ripping off?

also, I think classical is compleatly different then ripping off a current band because the arrange it differently and such, but I don't really care.
Sinister Mephisto said:
What are Sixpounder and Lil Bloodred Ridin hood ripping off?
Just thought everybody kind of knew, so...

Sixpounder VS A New Level by Pantera
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood VS Unhallowed by Dissection

also, I think classical is compleatly different then ripping off a current band because the arrange it differently and such, but I don't really care.
Yeah I agree.. but I still feel it's a bit of a rip off. It's not played differently, it's just played with a different instrument (some parts). But I also don't really care either, I like classical rip offs in fact :)
alexi also has an annihiltor "influence" on chokehold, just listen to annihilator's king of the kill
I guess if we're talking about ripoffs, the drum solo before Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood sounds a lot like Piankiller, doesn't it?

Everybody rips off something of someone, it's truly hard to be original since there are so many f$%&/ people in the world.

I dunno, maybe you just thought you invented something original, but you didn't know a guy in China already invented it long time before you did!