beer all day aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

Actually things are turning fall like hear in the Ohio Valley. Fall is the best season. Love the cool weather,Festivals, halloween, kids back in school, the start of football. The beer goes down great all year around. About time for Petes Wicked Winter. The best beer around.
Cincy's right on.
It's the same here in Colorado.

Pete's Wicked Winter Brew used to be the best. Pete fucking went all watery-downy for the masses. All of Pete's beers are watered down now. It sucks. I even posted about it on on the guest book.

I guess I could try making it.
Someone please tell me where I can get the recipe for Pete's Wicked Winter Brew so I can make it myself.
ThraxDude, you are so right on about Petes. It was all over with the Pub Lager crap or whatever it is. Its the micro brews wanting to sell to the Bud drinkers. The Summer and Strawberry is bad enough but the Pub stuff was the straw that broke the camels back. Sam Adams Pale Ale is like cow piss also.
I doubt if the same recipe is out there but I would bet there is something similar. Most beers that have raspberry flavor in it are too fruity. However Wicked winter is the exception.
No, its just that people buy Bud and Bud light, its the most popular beer in the U.S. There are a ton of micro brews around that make pale ales, stouts, porters and many other beers. We also have a lot of imported beer also. We can get beer from any part of the world. I myself prefer microbrews Blue Grass brewing Co. Stone Brewing, Petes Wicked and Sam Adams. The last two are not "micro" brewers but still produce well under what Bud and miller and the like do.
Yeah, there are a lot of people that somehow enjoy drinking Budweiser, MGD, Coors Light, etc. They all taste like TONIC WATER to me.
People who can stand to drink that piss simply have not been turned to the Dark Side of The Beer.

Cincy- I used to wet my pants every year when Pete's Wicked Winter Brew went on sale at my Lickher store.
Last year (when Pete had that fucking cheesy skier-guy on the bottle) I remember popping off the cap, taking a sip, and SHAKING MY HEAD IN DISAPPROVAL. Pete's wicked sucks now.