Beer and...


Jan 4, 2012
Shamelessly stolen from somewhere else.
What goes best with beer? Movies, band practice, music, porn... What do is the best thing to do when you have a few beers?

My personal favorites: Finding new band that you love then discover they suck balls the next day, hanging out with friends in parks and blasting (and singing) drinking songs as loudly you can, writing songs, watching old movies and - of course - forests.
Horror movies, salty snacks, bullshitting and/or jamming with friends, listening to heavy fucking metal.

Last night I drank two beers and engaged in none of those things. But me and beer still had a good time.
^ this definitely.

Thrash metal in particular, sitting in a hot tub, chilling on the patio and smoking a Dominican cigar. Watching brutal, heavy cheese action movies. Spicy fucking chicken wings. Playing pool at the dice bar.