Beer Drinkers Beware!


Apr 3, 2006
This list is pretty dead on! The 10 Beers We Love to Hate Article on

I notice a couple of Mexican entries on the list. Most Mexican beers share something in common with their water...they are both UNDRINKABLE. Drink responsibly or it's Montezuma's Revenge for you. HAHA!

Too bad the list is just Top 10 Worst Beers, because we can add quite a few more. A couple that pops into my mind are Dos Equis (Our neighbors from the South know when to quit) and Michelob (The good ole' boys of the U.S. of A messed on this piss water).

I wish they had a list for Top 10 Best Beers. We can all learn a thing or two from the Germans and Irish boys. Oye!
Yeah I love Tequila mixing it with beer, we called it "submarine mix"!
So you drink Stella? Some do not like that drink!
Tequila is the only thing thats good from Mexico. If you get proper stuff. Beer is plain rough from there. I do like Stella though.

I disagree about Mexicann beer. Negro Modelo is excellent, and Bohemia is one of the smoothest beers Ive ever had.

And Stella's not bad for a mass-produced lager.
Ohh I see! I better drink Stella on my Bday huh! some of my friends told me that it taste bad, well I didn't taste that much, I guess I will like it!
Let see.... that list was crap. Stella is far from the worst beer i've tasted. as for mexiacan beer tasting of poluted water... i acctually save that coment for the majority of american beer. Only one that don't taste like its been drunk once before and pissed out again i've tasted this far is Gose Island Indian Pale Ale
Let see.... that list was crap. Stella is far from the worst beer i've tasted. as for mexiacan beer tasting of poluted water... i acctually save that coment for the majority of american beer. Only one that don't taste like its been drunk once before and pissed out again i've tasted this far is Gose Island Indian Pale Ale

American mass-produced beer is brewed to be as light and have as little flavor as possible. However, there's been such an explosion of microbrews over here, that yes, there are some absolutely fantastic beers--they're just not the mass-produced ones, and thus probably not exported. Of those that are mass-produced and distributed to American grocery stores, Sam Adams and Goose Island are both hit or miss depending on the style, Leinenkugle's generally half-way decent, Gorden Biersch is ok, and anything made by red-hook or widmer is awful.
I've been tending to prefer Grolsch to Stella recently. Tho I still enjoy Stella, despite the fact it brings out the WORST hangovers. Real ale is where it's at tho - but I tend to fall asleep after more than a couple so it's not the sort of thing I can drink on a night out :p

Grolsch is great! Best beer I had lately was Boddington's... sooooo good on tap.
I've had worse beers than any on that list. My list would be;

Milwaukee's Best- most blatant case of false advertising in brewing history.
Goebel(NOT GROLSCH!! Sorry about that, my stooge! Can't believe I got the names mixed up! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!)- bought a 12-pack one time, and will NEVER do so again if I can help it!
Crazy Horse Malt Liquor- bought a couple 40 ouncers for a party back in college. NASTY!!
Buckhorn- "In the tradition of the famous Buckhorn Bar"(Which I'd NEVER heard of!). Me and some friends got a case of this crap for a party back in 1985- what we didn't drink I put in my car's transmission. Not really, but it was THAT BAD!
Cost Cutter- Kroger store-brand generic beer.
Red, White, and Blue- thank GOD this and Cost Cutter are no longer made!
Steel Reserve- its 8% alcohol can't mask its crappy taste.
I've never heard of most of those beers (all look like lagers too...) but Stella really isn't that bad. I'd rather stick Carling, Skol or Carlsberg (I've had more bad pints of that than any other beer) on the list. All lagers brewed in the UK turn out really bland even if they are foreign brands. Think I will stick with my Polish lagers. Zywiec, Tyskie and Okocim FTW!
American mass-produced beer is brewed to be as light and have as little flavor as possible. However, there's been such an explosion of microbrews over here, that yes, there are some absolutely fantastic beers--they're just not the mass-produced ones, and thus probably not exported. Of those that are mass-produced and distributed to American grocery stores, Sam Adams and Goose Island are both hit or miss depending on the style, Leinenkugle's generally half-way decent, Gorden Biersch is ok, and anything made by red-hook or widmer is awful.

Ever had Pete's? Bell's? Sierra Nevada? Yuengling? Flying Dog? Great Divide? New Belgium?

I've never heard of most of those beers (all look like lagers too...) but Stella really isn't that bad. I'd rather stick Carling, Skol or Carlsberg (I've had more bad pints of that than any other beer) on the list. All lagers brewed in the UK turn out really bland even if they are foreign brands. Think I will stick with my Polish lagers. Zywiec, Tyskie and Okocim FTW!
Ever had a Polish Baltic porter? Those will DEFINITELY hit the mark.

Goebel(NOT GROLSCH!! Sorry about that, my stooge! Can't believe I got the names mixed up! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!)- bought a 12-pack one time, and will NEVER do so again if I can help it!
Once again on that "brain fart" DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!!
Hey I love Busch and some others on there like nady ice (natural ice).
I think Busch taste just like Budweiser. :kickass: