beer/liquor/absinthe thread


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
You ever go online when you're fucked up? Yeah, me too. Tonight was Sam Adams and rum&coke. Got fucked up with my girlfriend (who graduated college tonight) and three of her hot as hell friends. :headbang: They, well we in fact, talked about pussy all night! Girls are funny with liquor.

Post your current favorite drinks here. :)
I haven't posted online while drunk for a fair while now :eek: usually because most of the time you get home so late it's simply time for a nice rest :)

I'm very much a beer person, and usually if I go into a pub I'll be drinking John Smith's. But I'm not exactly fussy about it, I'll usually take whatever's on offer :p don't like spirits much, they hurt my tummy :oops:
I'm a bourbon and 7-UP drinker. I like most hard alcohols, and, of course, I love beer. I'll be moving to wine country, so I'll need to learn to talk "wine speak" . . . or something like that.
npearce said:
I'm a bourbon and 7-UP drinker. I like most hard alcohols, and, of course, I love beer. I'll be moving to wine country, so I'll need to learn to talk "wine speak" . . . or something like that.

Aren't you moving to southern Cali? That ain't wine country son, it's martini country!
It's not southren Cali. It's the Central Coast. Right between San Fran and LA. They have a lot of grapes in the area. Check your wine stores for stuff from Arroyo Grande, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, and so on.
Oh, that's cool, I'm sure my girlfriend knows several types of wine from each region (she's a certified sommelier for a liquor distributor). How far is the trek each, to LA or SF? And is there a closer city that tours might come to? I hope for your sake!
LA and SF are both about 2.5 to 3 hours. That's not that bad. Especially considering bands might actually play on weekends out there. I don't know if bands play in Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, or Bakersfield, but those are pretty close by.

I'd drive 3 hours to see Agalloch on a week night. Hopefully they tour again soon.
Excellent, that's not too bad at all. I know there are shows sometimes at a place in Pomona, so I wasn't sure if that was close to your new place or not. At any rate, that sounds great, so congrats and good luck!

If LA is only 2.5-3 hours south of you, that means that Santa Barbara is even closer, and that's one of the nicest places in the entire country IMO (just *don't* bring your wife ;) ). And Magic Mountain is right near there as well; great coasters.
Papa Josh said:
When I'm on the net though, I usually prefer to be hittin the herb, and maybe a cup of coffee..

You mean like herbal tea?

I'm just a beer drinker myself. Stroh's is my favorite, but you'll sometimes find Miller High Life or Coors in my fridge too.

As for the actual topic o' the thread, my home is stocked with more wine & liquor than we know what to do with (again, Lisa's a liquor/spirits/wine saleswoman/distributor/sommelier). Not that I'm complaining mind you...
Nathan - lots of shows in Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, and SLO, no worries. :)

Mark - LOTS of wine in that area!!! Napa Valley and Sonoma County are up the coast a bit and are probably the most well known, but there are tons of vineyards in central and southern California.

Personal favorite brewers right now are Samuel Smith and Unibroue, and as always my local brew pub, Riverside Brewing Co. Best amber ale around. Belvedere Vodka is my current favorite hard alcohol, either straight or martini w/ lots of olives please. :D Been drinking some Wild Turkey Rare Breed bourbon lately, you can feel every bit of the 108.4 proof.
I tried Grey Goose last week and it is very fine Vodka, but Belvedere is much better. :) I prefer Polish rye over any other type.
you fools, any metal fan worth his mead will prefer Skullsplitter Ale, from the Orkney Islands...
JayKeeley said:
Grey Goose rules!

Grey Goose is French, and therefore, can fuck off (you didn't think I'd forgotten, had you?). Besides, there's a vodka from France called Cirac (pronounced Suh-rock) that is far superior.

When it comes to vodka, I always drink Ketel One. Yum.
lizard said:
you fools, any metal fan worth his mead will prefer Skullsplitter Ale, from the Orkney Islands...

I bought a four pack of skullsplitter once sheerly on packaging alone. I couldn't finish one bottle I thought it was so horrible. Still got the bottles though! :)