Beer + Matt x Drew = THIS!

Good times outside BB King's...good times. Here's what you didn't get to see in that video:


OMFG! That's priceless!!!!!!

The video is even funnier after seeing the show!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
We spent the whole night laughing about it!
Ya.....after the first arm wave and "oh, thank you so much" last night I thought I might DIE I was laughing so hard.

I'm actually surprised one of us didn't get punched out hehehee....we certainly deserved it.
In Atlanta, there must have been about three times where Liv ended up echoing Alexander K.'s stage banter, about one or two seconds 'late.' Made me grin, but not in an evil way..... I enjoyed their set, truth be told. Not sure what Noah was complaining about pre-show regarding their bassist's slapping style, although he DID have a goofy expression, as promised. :)
In Atlanta, there must have been about three times where Liv ended up echoing Alexander K.'s stage banter, about one or two seconds 'late.' Made me grin, but not in an evil way..... I enjoyed their set, truth be told. Not sure what Noah was complaining about pre-show regarding their bassist's slapping style, although he DID have a goofy expression, as promised. :)

I commented to my husband about the way the bass player was playing - it was kind of off. He used one of the pics that you wear on your thumb and he was just moving he hand really fast...I don't was kinda weird :goggly:

well considering beer is in the subject line and i don't know any of u ppl, i'll just say ok, that was funny.

but otherwise, did either of you guys in the video enjoy Leaves Eyes, at all??:Smug: