Confiscating beer?

For shame.


Here in Utah we have, in comparison to all of you outside of this state, wussy beer. It's not as bad as most people make it out to be, but it's still less alcohol.

Many people are unaware that there are two ways of measuring alcohol — by weight or by volume.

Most of the world measures the amount of alcohol in beer by volume. However in Utah, our regulators prefer that alcohol be measured by weight.

Alcohol by weight (ABW) is 80% of the amount by volume (ABV). Utah is renowned for it's 3.2 beer. But if our beers were measured in the same fashion as others (by volume), it's really 4.0 beer. This percentage is just slightly less than the average alcohol content of most mainstream beers.

English ales, which are similar to what Uinta brews, are commonly around 3 to 3.5% ABW or 3.7 to 4.4% ABV — and the English certainly have perfected the art of brewing excellent ales. English brewers have figured out that beer does not have to be devastatingly strong to be good. In fact, the milder the beer, the more refreshing and satisfying it can be. Uinta has won many international & national awards revealing that 4.0% ABV beers can be full in flavor.

Uinta brews a barley wine weighing in at a hardy 9.8% ABV.

No matter how strong the beer you drink, please drink responsibly.


That being said, Utah has some GREAT local brewing companies.

I'm not a drinker of alcoholic beverages, but I must admit, looking at pictures of beer does make them look tasty. Beer Porn?
Grolsch has to be cold. If its not its tough to drink. My local is one of a few places that does it on tap. My university did for a while too - the ultimate. When Chelsea are playing at home, its Heineken in the stadium so I have had my fair share of that. I think its alright, but IMO nothing like Grolsch.