american beer is like sex in a canoe... its fucking close to water
All I know is I'm counting down the days until I leave for London later this month, where I can finally get some more Kilkenny!
My girlfriend went there over her spring break... be warned that everything is fucking expensive. She intended to bring back trinkets and toys for everyone, some more clothing for herself, and some tobacco products for me... went out drinking a couple of nights and couldn't afford anything at all after that.
You aren't looking hard enough! That's like saying american metal sucks because Korn is shit.
I work at Rogue Ales, a fairly large craft brewery in Oregon, and they win gold medals in Beer contests all over the world. Their most famous product is Dead Guy, which admittedly is a German style beer, but what true beer isn't directly inspired by some sort of European formula?
My fave right now though is the Yellow Snow IPA. Yum.
Fransizkaner Weissbier (Germans, please don't kill me for butchering the name) have a good tasteChange the z with the s...then you have Franziskaner Weissbier
Another great Beer really is the south german ROTHAUS "Tannenzäpfle" ! Becks is very good, too..but ROTHAUS is even betterNorth germans..don´t kill me
Does anyone like Newcastle? It's widely exported so I have a feeling that everyone is gonna start flaming it, but I actually think it's pretty good...easy to drink and a pleasant flavor. +1 to the Franziskaner Weissbier.
Does anyone like Newcastle? It's widely exported so I have a feeling that everyone is gonna start flaming it, but I actually think it's pretty good...easy to drink and a pleasant flavor. +1 to the Franziskaner Weissbier.