Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2004
Anyone like this album? I finally got around to hearing it yesterday, and it's extremely interesting. One thing I've noticed is that, while not really doing anything vastly different from any other black metal band in regard to riffs etc., their music manages to be tremendously evocative through usage of simplistic, yet moving note patterns, placed into song structures which are incredibly minimalistic even for black metal, and narrated by the voice of a demented demon. This is one of the few releases that I can say takes me to another place. Any band looking to write incredibly atmospheric music could certainly take a lesson from Beherit.
Yeah I've had this album a while and while it's a remarkably fucking evil album, it never struck me as being all that great. It's still a good album for certain moods though. Personaly, for that certain fucked up style, I prefer "Rev. Kriss Hades - The Winds of Orion".
Barth Vader said: me stupid...but what does "minimalistic" mean? I've heard it used to describe black metal bands before. I'm not a huge BM fan, so forgive me if this has been brought up before.
Self-explanatory. It means 'simple'. Not necessarily in a bad way, though. ;)

1. A school of abstract painting and sculpture that emphasizes extreme simplification of form, as by the use of basic shapes and monochromatic palettes of primary colors, objectivity, and anonymity of style. Also called ABC art, minimal art, reductivism, rejective art.
2. Use of the fewest and barest essentials or elements, as in the arts, literature, or design.
3. Music. A school or mode of contemporary music marked by extreme simplification of rhythms, patterns, and harmonies, prolonged chordal or melodic repetitions, and often a trancelike effect.
I've had the album for quite some time, but I've just never really enjoyed it as much as I wish I could. I can easily see the brilliance of the release, it's just not something I listen to on a regular basis. It's definitely a classic of the second wave, but I've just never been able to put it on the same level as Burzum and the other heralds of that period.
I've never understood the apeal in this band. I mean it just sounds like black metal for idiots. I don't mind minimalism but these riffs are just so damn dull, unintelligent and clich'ed, not to mention lifeless and without passion. The guys voice is boring too. Theres nothing behind it. Their lyrics are horrid too. I'd actually have to say this is one of the worst black metal bands I've heard a full release of...
I get bored of it after 5 songs or so, cause everything thing is basically the same....but as far as atmosphere goes it is probably one of the most evil sounding cds I've ever heard
I thought Barth Vader might not understand though so I condensed it for him (he has a stupid name) :oops:
It is really good, probably my favourite black metal ever. I can't think of any album that sounds more "evil" then DDTM. The atmosphere is just amazing.