Behold, the Castle Land


Freakame, Freakayou!
Today, I got paid to build a giant fort/castle. It was awesome. We ate lunch in it.

Our band photo

The humble beginnings

Courtyard to Castle Land

Bobby wants us to follow!





Then we had lunch in the main room

Post-Lunch Shenanigans

Troy and my face at the bottom right. An idea of how big the Castle was

Ta-dah. :)
does that guy in the Slipknot sweatshirt realize that someone sewed two skirts together and then sent them off to be sold as pants, all the while laughing maniacally at the poor soul who would get tricked into purchasing/wearing them?!
Jenga hell, you should have called me, I'd have flown over and just Juggernautted through it. One pass and the whole thing would look like I dropped a bomb on it.
Just got home from having an alcoholic night with Slipknot guy, Zach, who also happens to be one of my managers. Despite his constant wearing of Slipknot attire and red pants, he's an awesome guy and really the whole reason I had the job in the first place. :)

This is drunken Emmy saying goooood night. :)
Well, the Halloween store down the road from us (same company) turned into a Christmas Outlet and Slipknot Guy transfered me over there cuz I'm fun to work with. And that season just ended. I'm a fan of seasonal jobs. I try not to specify where I work because it's kinda frowned upon taking photos inside the stores.