Behold! Theory in Practice - Dehumanized, by trapped


"make sweet love"

... in the style of Mr. White.

...So anyway, you two should download Dehumanize. THat's what this thread is about.

or else GET OUT OF MY HOME, unless of course you actually are barry white, in which case, my home, is your home dude...
i didn't even attempt it :lol:

You should download the whole album dude, "The Armageddon THeories" it's absolutely killer :headbang:

It's somewhere in between Atheist, Morbid Angel and Emperor :err:
it sounds good man...alot of people send me stuff like this and alot of times it doesn't even sound like the song....but this was played very well...especially the rhythm guitar.

I'll put mine up and give you the link......

it's long as balls though....15 minute jam....hopefully it won't but you to sleep because there are so really nice moments :)
who, theory?

I don't think so, but possibly yeah


TAT only had one guitar player i beleive? I could be wrong tho. I know for sure that it was only one guy writing the stuff, which is an amazing feat.

The vocals are sooo bad tho :loL: Raaatoootaaaaaaaaaaoooouuuughggghghghghaaaaaaaah kindof stuff pretty awesome lyrics tho :eek: