Behold! Theory in Practice - Dehumanized, by trapped

the lead line is absolutely piss easy, it took me all of about five minutes to work it out... but the rhythm has got some pretty damn fast right hand happening.
ok well that might be who i was thinking of, cuz i got a sample off century medias website with a band that had 3 guitar players and i remember being completely unimpressed and hating the vocals. i was like 'they needed 3 guitars for this?' but maybe CM picked a bad song, or maybe its a different band.
yeah one guitar player

the singer played drums on TAT.....

like a fucking idiot he decided to focus on singing for COlonizing the Sun and they got a new drummer that is awesome but not half as technical as he is.

the album is still awesome though...just not as psychotic as TAT.
iron maiden doesn't have bad vocals :err:

And it sure wasn't TIP if it "didn't need 3 guitar players", they're techy as hell.
it's nowhere near as technical or crazy as armageddon theories. I don't listen to the album at all because it's boring compared to their old stuff.

i dunno WHY the hell the drummer wanted to 'concentrate on singing', because he's a fucking godaweful throatman.
azal said:

Originally posted by azal
no that's Iron Maiden.

then neal said

Originally posted by THE NEALSTER ok well that might be who i was thinking of, cuz i got a sample off century medias website with a band that had 3 guitar players and i remember being completely unimpressed and hating the vocals. i was like 'they needed 3 guitars for this?' but maybe CM picked a bad song, or maybe its a different band. "
ohh ok trapped i got it, but no i wasnt talking about maiden. i was trying to figure out if i had already gotten a theory in practice song and written it off as not worth my time. which hearing you say the new album is crap makes it even more possible that it was the same band.
cool. :)

THe new one isn't 'crap' as such, it's just not as good as the old stuff.

Most people actually like Colonizing the sun alot better than The Armageddon THeories, as it's less chaotic... but that's WHY i like TAT :lol: it's like morbid angel on crack :lol:
i don't have any of their tracks on this computer... and i'm not ripping a cd just to send you one track :lol: :lol:

Get it off WINMX dude, that's where i got them from first before i scored the cd's...