Behringer ADA8000 Interface


May 14, 2009
I have an EMU-1212M soundcard.

I am contemplating picking up one of these used. ($100 USD)

I believe I can connect it to the optical adat input on my EMU-1212M and record with 8 mics on 8 separate tracks simultaneously.

Does anyone here have any history with this device or setup idea?
I don't think the ADA8000's pre's are that bad. Keep the gains low and you are golden. If you can solder surface mount I think that changing the OpAmps make a little bit of difference, especially for the D/A.

Especially if you can clock it to something else, it really helps it out. At $100 it is a great way to add I/O on a budget.
i use ADA8000 for triggers mainly.
2 kicks, 3 toms, floor and snare + pilot guitar = 8 channels of pure win :)

+ another 8 inputs on my profire 2626 for everything else
Personally I find them to be quite noisy, and strangely the noise doesn't go up equally as the gain does, but instead certain steps on the pot have more noise than others. They're fine for triggers though.
I dont know... Someone told me that if you don't turn them up you aren't going to color the sound with any "badness" that may exist in a shitty preamp.

I dont know how true that is... (can anyone here answer that?)

And if you didn't turn them up you'd need something else in front of them for any needed gain.
Your projected setup used to be my exact setup. The pres on my behringer had quite a bit of hum, but I'm pretty sure mine was messed up in some way. You can pretty much sell up back for the same price, so wouldn't hurt to try.
can you bypass the pres at all?

The line in's still go through the preamps. Someone on Gearslutz did a mod to bypass the pre's a while back but found that it didn't change the sound much at all and wasn't really worth the bother.

As long as you use some half decent pre's into the line in's and keep the gain down it seems to work ok.
The line in's still go through the preamps.

Thats what I figured too. It didnt make sense to me. Though I can see how any "bad effects" could be worsened by keeping the gain down.
Well a shit sounding compressor won't fuck with your sound if you set it so that it's not compressing anything (assuming it's not got a whacky frequency response, excessive noise etc) so why would a shit pre do anything awful to the sound if it's not adding any gain?