Belladona no longer part of Anthrax

Don't forget actors too!!!
Married With Children...
Hahahahahaha, I love that episode.

Marcy:I'm a woman.

One of the Anthrax guys (I forget who): Yeah, he's a famous rap star, she's a genius and we're happy to be here.
Don't forget actors too!!!
Married With Children...

They were also in that stupid fuckin movie about the old ladies that made a smut calendar........ I only watched it cause I like old lady smut calendars.

Scott Ian was on that VH1 show with Nugent.....I can't believe he fucks Meatloafs daughter.

I totally dig "White Noise". Black Lodge is one of my 10 favorite songs. I thought Joey Smelladonna should have sang for Warrant.
Best part of the Married with Children was when they attempted to eat the " mystery meat package " from the fridge...

" it just came out of the fridge, why is it hot ?"

" ouch, I think it just bit me "
MajestikMøøse;5856109 said:
News Flash: Nobody has given a shit about Anthrax since 1993.

As a matter of fact, nobody has given a shit about Megadeth, Metallica, or Slayer since around that year also.

I disagree. Megadeth's Youthanasia album was brilliant. No one has given a shit about Megadeth since 1994-5.

Except for me.
Cryptic Writings was a pretty damn good album, if you can forget about what they put out in the past. I'll not discuss Risk (aka "The Disco Album").
I just read an interview with Bush that said he wasnt coming back to Anthrax wich is fine with me,id rather see a Saint reunion anyway. But then again it was mentioned no one gave a shit about Anthrax... excpet for me of course:D
Damnit folks, I like Armored Saint and got to see them live. I like Belladonna Anthrax, but John Bush Improved Anthrax into a better band. Sometimes a new singer can improve or bring down a band: Examples: Van Halen with Roth or Hagar (personally, Sammy did a decent job but i like Roth better); AC/DC with Bon Scott or Brian Johnson(I like Bon Better but Brian does a great job on Back In Black, for Those About To Rock, Fly On The Wall), Judas Priest with Halford or "Ripper"(I love Halford, but Jugulator KICKS ASS) Motley Crue with Vince Neil or John Corabi(I love the Crue's stuff with Vince, but the album with Carabi is underate and he did a hell of a job singing for the Sream and Union). I'm sure there are more like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Journey, Iced Earth, Drowning Pool, etc... More L8R.

I'll also say that I was into megadeth supremely up to Risk, even the it has nothing to do with the topic.

I'm glad I got to see them on the Cryptic Writings tour before the suck commenced.
I am looking forword (apparently, I cannot type in for***d) to the next Megadeth album. Glen Drover is an excellent guitar player.
Sort of like a mix of heavy metal, thrash, prog with a little power metal (mostly in the vocals).
Since you're a Nevermore fan, you will most likely enjoy Eidolon. The Parallel Otherworld is amazing. There are lots of guest guitar players too, even Hank Shermann and Michael Denner on the cover of The Oath.