Beneath the Mire solo

Rocky Raccoon

I am the Walrus
Feb 24, 2004
Auckland, New Zealand
So does anyone else think this solo kicks ass? I love the way it sort of just keeps climaxing and climaxing, gets me all excited everytime!

Whats everyone elses thoughts on this song?

On a side note, Can anyone please list briefly what tuning they use for each song on ghost reveries? I've heard a lot of conflicting opinions..
I love everything about this song....the intro, that solo, and especially the first verse. the vocals are so intense, and are lyrically solid.

i suppose the same could be said of any opeth song, but i was just listening to that one on the way home from school.

yea its great like all the other ones, but this one isn't nearly as memorable. I think Peter wrote it?
Moonlapse said:
Don't like that one. I think the first two solos are much more tasteful and executed better, in a technical sense too.

Just out to bash peter solos whenever possible, eh Moonie!?!

Haha, though I agree, the other solos are better. I think the solo in the grand conjuration is ridicubadass though, and flows perfectly into the next part.
Haha, I'm not naming names any more. They're all just faceless solos to me now and shall be judged on their own merit, regardless of who played them. Having said that, I still think the last solo is more detrimental to the song than anything else.

About the TGC solo, I totally agree man. I made the first tab of that thing... like 2 days after Haver leaked it off that online radio station, way prior to the album's release. It just totally kicked my ass. Mike has seriously been the only guitarist that's ever managed to create such synergy between a backing riff and a lead part... he's a very very talented soloist.
I think what adds that awesome spaceyness to the BWP solo is that they actually double tracked it, if you noticed. On one side he did it with wah and on the other side he did it without. Sounds pretty wicked :)

EDIT: Actually it's not double-tracked. It's digitally copied, but Wilson threw an auto-wah on one side. Still pretty cool.
So i had to listen to it to see what youre talking about. interesting, i never noticed it was "double-tracked." I just figured it was straight out wah. How do you know its a digital copy, did you do one of your voodoo tricks to check that out? God, after listening to the whole song, bwp the album is definitely the album of the ebow. They put that thing everywhere possible haha.
For everyone whos interested in the a german guitar magazine Mikael explained in an interview which tuning they use on Ghost Reveries.
He said that they are using the open tuning D-A-D-F-A-E for the whole album. Dunno if it's right, but thats what Mikael said.
To see whether it was copied, you just have a listen to both sides. First one without the other, then vice versa, then both together... listen to the guitar's sustain and bends and stuff. No two takes are ever the same... on that solo on both sides, the sustain and bends and note durations are all exactly alike, it's just that the left side has wah and the right side is 'clean'. But hey, I may be wrong and Mike might be a really goddamned tight lead player who can dub leads transparently, haha.
Netheral said:
He said that they are using the open tuning D-A-D-F-A-E for the whole album. Dunno if it's right, but thats what Mikael said.
Ghost of Perdition - D A D F A D
The Baying of the Hounds - D A D F A D
Beneath the Mire - E A D G B E
Atonement - Unsure but can be played both in standard and DADFAD
Reverie/Harlequin Forest - D A D F A D
Hours of Wealth - E A D G B E
The Grand Conjuration - Either D A D F A D, or D A D G B E
Isolation Years - I'm confident it's in D A D F A D
Actually the BWP solo is tracked. I did two takes of it. Fredrik Nordström just put them together in the mix as they were quite tight and he said it'd sound fat or whatever. I usually never track solos but I let this one slide since it sounded pretty cool.

I always thought it was two tracks. Doesnt sound like an auto wah would.

I love that solo, one being because its a kick ass solo and the one side wah thing is inovative, two because the backing riff to it kicks major ass. Its one of my favorite opeth riffs cos its so simple and effective.