Benito Mussolini

Well, Mussolini and the italians in general were rather ineffective militarily, they couldn't even successfully invade Greece, much less stand up to Britain, Russia, or the US successfully. The only really hard fighting done in Italy was against Germans, especially as the US worked its way through the mountainous center of the country. Mussolini got the trains running in time by shooting the conductor if they didn't, and that, my friend is not good long term policy. That is how you get yourself lynched.
The reasons he didn't get as famous is that he lacked a cool moustache and didn't kill as many people as the others and kept himself inside his own borders for the most part.
I love the way the fascist party got started.
Talking about fascist dictators...did you know Franicso Franco slept with the arm of St. Theresa of Ávila under his pillow?