Bergstrand drum micing tecnique

Where the hell do you start phase aligning from in that case, though? As long as snare is the same when it bleeds into everything???

Drum kit phase isn't only snare in that case but cymbal (ribon mic use figure 8 patern limiting bleeding when use on good way) with other cymbal...etc.
With this configuration you can't use 3:1 rule.
It's why Daniel is the man:worship:
Yeah, figure 8 has obviously picks up quite a bit of the room but 3 inches from the cymbal bleed from other instruments is physically blocked by the cymbal itself, plus the tight p/u pattern, plus highpassing and you can really minimize the bleed to a non-issue.
wow i can REALLY hear the triggers in the mix now that you say that.... thats nutz!

not sure if i like it or not.. :loco:

That has made one of the Dark Funeral albums completely unlistenable for me (not a huge fan of the later work anyway but it holds some production merit). It might be that I react on it just because I know exactly how a ddrum trigger signal sounds like, but it prevents me from focusing on anything else in the mix.