Best album of 2001

Just a question about this whole NP thing - does one say what album they're listening to, or what song?

I'm curious what y'all do! I personally put the album name.

Yeah, I know this should probably be in the appropriate thread, but I can't be bothered posting there, darn it!
I usually just put the album, but I'm being all wossname tonight, so going with the song title.

Thorough! That's the word :D
Originally posted by Sydo
Whats the new Kreator like?
I saw it today and almost bought it. I've never heard any of there stuff before though.

As for Hair Of The Dog..
I've downloaded a few tracks from Rise, which I quite like. Problem is that I can only find Ignite in stores - which I don't think I like as much. :(

New Kreator rules! Its really rather good indeed, you wont be sorry if you buy it! :D

Ignite is awesome as well, you will like it too, trust me :D Once you have heard one more for saturday night, alive and devil may care you will have a post saying how sorry you are it took you so long to catch on ;)
um get a bit hard but here goes

Halford :Live Insurection

Preist : Demolition

Bruce : Best OF

Ozzy : Down to Earth (yes really)

Testament : Best of

Iced Earth : Horror Show.

The Tea Party : Best of