Best album of 2001

You know, with all these people choosing Horror Show, im getting a warm fuzzy feeling inside :D

WHERES OUR GODDAMN TOUR??????? *ahem* :)
Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper

Im a huge Bodom fan. I know this CD came out in 2000 over in Finland, but for the rest of us, it was early 2001.
Winmar - The Cult's new album Beyond Good and Evil is very, very good. It has more in common with their rockier efforts like Sonic Temple than it has with earlier albums like Love. You've no doubt heard the single Rise on Triple J in the last few months.
Billy Duffy has outdone himself on this album. He has managed to continue to play in his own distinct style but also make it heavier in the rhythm parts which works really well. Ian Astbury is also in top form. His voice sounds strong and clean and almost every song has a killer chorus. It's a major return to form, even better than Sonic Temple and Electric in my opinion. Absolutely wipes the floor with their self-titled album too.
Best tracks are Rise, War (The Process), Speed of Light, American Gothic and My Bridges Burn, but the entire album is really good. If you're a fan of The Cult then you need this album!
The five year break has obviously done them good. I just missed out on seeing them live when I was in Vancouver, they were supposed to tour while I was there but cancelled, damn it!
Shit, sounds great. I'll have to pick it up as soon as I see it on the shelves over here. Failing that, it'll have to be when I get back. I saw em at the BDO in 95 or whenever it was, and they were great. I didn't know them as well then though, unfortunately.

Did I ever mention that I'm related to Ian Astbury? No? Oh well, looks like I just did. :) Hehe he's my third cousin or something, but I've never met him. It'd be nice to one day though.
Yeah I know, I've been meaning to do it for a while. I'm not quite sure how though. I could probably get his address through his branch of the family, but I don't want to seem like a star-struck prat! Do you know of a postal address I could contact him at?
You'd probably be best off contacting him through family, otherwise you could try management or the label. Contact through music industry or fan channels may not even reach him, whereas family should be able to get in touch with him or give you a personal address.