Best Album Poll!

Favourite DT album/EP?

  • A Moonclad Reflection

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Skydancer

    Votes: 7 7.0%
  • Of Chaos And Eternal Night

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • The Gallery

    Votes: 32 32.0%
  • Enter Suicidal Angels

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Mind's I

    Votes: 17 17.0%
  • Projector

    Votes: 26 26.0%
  • Haven

    Votes: 16 16.0%

  • Total voters
The best Dt's album (IMHO) is The Gallery, as for the fave there can be alterations...depending on the mood, mostly.
I have always found something suitable so far- some days a release you can't consider (for any reason) as "the best" may fit you better than others (higher on the artistic results' chart;) ).
And be your fave for some days, months, years, hopefully centuries:D
For the heart has reasons that the reason does not know :spin:

I sort of agree with Anacrusis.. I consider The Gallery as their finest album.. it's got great songs and great vocals and lyrics as well.. although The Mind's I is my fav one.. it's more straight-forward.. more raw (not souless!!).. and I think it includes the best of Stanne's lyrix ever.. Insanity's Crescendo is my fav of all DT's songs anyway.
Skydancer is a really nice album and it's probably 3rd in my preferences list. Shadow Duet being the best of the whole album.
Projector.. hmmm.. I've listened to it MANY MANY times.. I was obsessed with it when I first bought it.. but it didn't last long.. FreeCard is the only exception to that.. Right now I just can't decide which is worse.. Proj or Haven?
I didn't really like Haven when I bought it.. mostly because of the electronic stuff in there.. then I got used to it and I loved some songs (yup At Loss For Words is my Haven's fav).. but it still cannot compare to DT's previous stuff.. that doesn't make it bad.. this applies to Projector as well.. they are both great albums no doubt..
Anyway as someone mentioned before.. it's just opinions.. there is no best or worst.. just like-it or hate-it..
A tough one eh. I can't tell you how much I'd like to give my vote for the great Gallery, but still it's The Mind's I that I've been playing the most. Thus my vote goes for The Mind's I.
Originally posted by Metalmaster
Hey, why haven't I heard of "A Moonclad Reflection" before?!?!

It is their early 7 inch EP, consisting of two songs (uh, can't remember them right now - "Beyond Enlightenment" and "Yesterworld"??? "Void of Tranquillity" was on "Trail of Life Decayed", wasn't it, alongside with "Vernal Awakening" - or am I just too confused???). It has the original DT-lineup (= the same as on Skydancer) and rather poor sounds. Not recommended to others than collectors.

-Villain ("the walking DT-encyclopedia")
Yep, now that I gave it a bit more thought, I found Phyre is correct, not me(!!!). I got Beyond Enlightenment and Unfurled by Dawn confused in my previous post. Thus, the pre-Skydancer DT recordings are:

Trail of Life Decayed:
-Beyond Enlightenment
-Vernal Awakening
-Void of Tranquillity

A Moonclad Reflection:
-Unfurled by Dawn
(Was this the order? Which one is on side A?)

Then there is at least that Septic Broiler -demo somewhere before those two. I have seen the songlist somewhere, but at the moment I have no clue what the songs were called.

-Villain (the forgetful DT-encyclopedia)
Originally posted by phyre

/phyre, aspiring DT-encyclopedist ;)

Damn it, you're trying to steal my crown! :grin:

No way, you're not gonna get it, no! :loco:

Shu! Go away! This crown is mine! I am the only true DT-encyclopedist - you are a fake, an impostor! Your words are untrue! :loco:

Wait! I can prove my might by presenting you the secret questions only a true DT-encyclopedist could answer:
-What is the base-color of Jivarp's teddybear-underwear?
-How long does it take Henriksson to change his socks?
-How many times during his life has Stanne said the magic word of "aaaarrggghhh!"?
-What is the disease Sundin is most afraid of?

Ha, let's see how you can handle these! :muahaha:

-Villain (a DT-encyclopedist defending his status)
Originally posted by Villain

-What is the base-color of Jivarp's teddybear-underwear?
-How long does it take Henriksson to change his socks?
-How many times during his life has Stanne said the magic word of "aaaarrggghhh!"?
-What is the disease Sundin is most afraid of?

pretty damn easy.

- sienna-burnt
- three hours. halfway through both socks, spring to his mind new ideas for a 50' constant-work-in-progress-follow-up-of-lethe song, tentatively called 'where the styx has no name'.
- only once, at the age of six, just after being trod upon by an enraged rhino. all the other times he just went 'aaarrggh!'.
- invisibility.

rahvin. (dt-orthopedist)
Originally posted by rahvin

pretty damn easy.

- sienna-burnt
- three hours. halfway through both socks, spring to his mind new ideas for a 50' constant-work-in-progress-follow-up-of-lethe song, tentatively called 'where the styx has no name'.
- only once, at the age of six, just after being trod upon by an enraged rhino. all the other times he just went 'aaarrggh!'.
- invisibility.

rahvin. (dt-orthopedist)

You got the first three straight, but you failed the final, deciding question! :muahaha: Only a TRUE DT-encyclopedist can answer that question. For the only disease Niklas is afraid is, of course, CABIN FEVER!! Wait, now I told it to you all! Nooooooo....... :s

-Villain (whose dreams of being the only DT-encyclopedist just crumbled, for they were based upon a lie)
and I love terria for loving you all....but hey, that is making me loving you all or not????
damn, I don't know if I'm a wholegroup lover or just an indirect lover....
jeezzz, this is the post where I've used most times the word love, being this in the good sense of it, of course ;P
Originally posted by Steve420
I've never heard of AMC... I also didn't notice Skydancer there...

there's actually another demo that was out earlier than amc, called "trail of life decayed". the tracklist the latter included: midwinter, beyond enlightenment, vernal awakening, void of tranquillity. while if i remember correctly amc only featured yesterworld and unfurled by dawn.

For Steve420 & other uninformed ones (copy/pasted from this very thread):

Pre-Skydancer Dark Tranquillity discography:

Trail of Life Decayed Demo '91:
1. Midvinter
2. Beyond Enlightenment
3. Vernal Awakening
4. Void of Tranquillity

A Moonclad Reflection EP '92:
1. Unfurled by Dawn
2. Yesterworld
(I suppose this was the "order", ie. UbD on side A)

And before those two was the:

Septic Broiler - Enfeebled Earth Demo '90:
1. Enfeebled Earth
2. The Fortune Of War
3. Only Time Can Tell

-Villain (reclaiming the long-lost throne of DT-encyclopedist)