Best album so far i 2003 ?

Darkthrone - Hate Them
Old Man's Child - In Defiance Of Existence

Carpathian Forest's "Defending The Throne Of Evil" didn't quite live up to my expectations.. But it's a rather good album nevertheless.
The new Devin Townsend - Accelerated Evolution and I still like SYL despite what anyone else may say

Katatonia is excellent

Naglfar- Sheol- pretty damn good black metal
Oh and I forgot Katatonia - Viva Emptiness:

(I´m sorry ther isn´t enough place to express the emptiness I feal when listening to this album...)

But ask me again after 21. April (Soilwork) or 17. June (Nevermore)...
Straping Young Lad-SYL
but that's the only cd I have bought this year that was released this year
oh also The Haunted
but Amorphis shall own all those(included Damnation)
Darkness Remains - Lamia
Katatonia - Viva Emptiness
Opeth - Damnation

Darkness Remains is at the top of my list right now, but when Dawn releases their new album, I'm sure it will top everything I've heard this year.