Best album so far i 2003 ?

Old Man's Child - In Defiance of Existence
Arkhon Infaustus - Filth Catalyst
Dark Fortress - Profane Genocidal Creations
Desaster - Divine Blasphemies

Those are the best I've got in my hands so far.

Also, Opeth's Damnation was good. This gave me a new vision into acoustic guitar-music. And for The Haunted's One Kill Wonder, it suck IMHO.
I haven't seen anyone mention

Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a Day

so far, I believe it to be the best metal release so far this year.

I expect the two best this year however to be St. Anger by Metallica (gee duh) and Life is Killing me by Type O Negative.
Aborym's new one
Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a Day
Evergrey - Recreation Day
AFI - Sing The Sorrow
Emperor - Scattered Ashes

Im looking forward to Katatonia's Viva Emptiness, My Dying Bride's new one in the summer, and The Crown's new one..shit ya.
Anthrax - We've Come For You All :rock:

I expect this one will remain at the top for the rest of the year, but I have high hopes for Iron Maiden's new disc (I heard a rumor it might come out in May?), and there's also a rumor that AC/DC has a new CD out sometime this year.

Out of the realm of metal, I'm looking forward to the Offspring's "Chinese Democracy"...should be much better (and stands a better chance of ever getting released) than Axl's album of the same name.
of the 3 i've heard, Solace's 13 is the best. Voivod's s/t is second. the new Ministry is the other one i've heard..