Best album sound?

Fuck you. Still life owns your face.

I say this because I'm a tad wasted, but yes, it's true.
While I enjoy the album, I listen to it much less then most of the others simply because of the mix. As I said, some people may like the mix, and that's fine, but it does sound as if it was done by a total amateur. I've been around amateur engineers for years, and the number one issue with their mixes? Way too much reverb, right behind that, is of course that they have no idea what a compressor actually does. Just on the heels of compression, is that they use equalization far past the limits of a natural sound, which may be fine for synthesis, but not for acoustic instruments. If I really had to vote for a worst, I'd probably have to say MAYH anyhow, the mix is basically the only reason I never bought it, but I wont vote for an album I don't own.
- Blackwater Park's production is so awesome, actually I don't know if it's the production or the songs or the lyrics but I think they all probably contribute. The whole album sounds so fucking EVIL.
- Whoever said Still Life has too much reverb, I agree with him.
- Deliverance's distorted guitars production is superb, IMHO. It sounds so crisp.
- GR and Watershed are good also.
BWP... the atmosphere is TOO perfect.

Agreed, BWP definitely has the creepiest atmosphere of all the records. As far as high production goes Ghost Rev, Watershed, and Damnation are on top. As for Deliverance it sounds way too stark for my ears imo although it fits the record well, which I'm not very fond of anyhow. As for the first 3 they didn't have very good production, and Still Life is a step up from those, but could have been a lot better.
still life is a great album but im not that big on the production.I dont really see a difference between the remastered version too. I think the best are blackwater park and ghost reveries.
MAYH.Just because it fits with the atmosphere of the album and songs.Somewhat rusty but mysterious in a way.I love it.
Album production is one of my bigger interests. So here's the rankings in my book, soundwise:

1. BWP - Not my fave album, but the sound is amazing. Very much alive, powerfull, tight and smooth at the same time, nails it all.

2. Damnation - Amazing sound. Just perfect. Tho an all-mellow album is not as challenging to mix has a diverse one.

3. Still Life - Not what you would usually call "a good mix" or a fat production, but it has a certain atmosphere to it, the still life feeling. Also the sound was new in metal at the time, low amount of distortion on the guitars and lots of layering. Cool stuff.

4. Watershed - The new album simply has a great sound, and isnt that haunted by the usual plastic-perfection style of Jens Bogren. Love listening to it. The low-mixed growls are irritating tho.

5. Deliverance - This production is not a big fave among the fans, or the band for the matter. Me, however, I really like it for some strange reason, I think it's once again the "feel" of the album that does it. It shouldnt be as low as #5, but I guess competition is fierce.

6. Orchid - Kind of demo-like production, but also the whole old unisound style, which is very "winterish" in style and gives Orchid a very cool sound in parts. Lack of clicktrack is not that suiting for Opeth tho.

7. MAYH - A very metal production. Not bad at all, but not that good.

8. Ghost Reveries - Plastic fantastic. I prefer hearing these songs live.

9. Morningrise - Sorry guys, this sound sucks. Both Swanö and Opeth would agree. Good songs, but terrible production.
Blackwater Park is definitely my favorite because it's the most atmospheric. The sound(well actually, probably the melodies) for me makes it Opeth's most memorable album. Deliverance is my least favorite because it lacks so much mood, emotion, and atmosphere.