Best Album?


But only lately.....
Oct 6, 2003
South Africa
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I have optained a copy of Black Water Park and i must say it is a awsome album. What would you guys say is their best album. I haven't listened to any of their other albums so i would like to know.
Well you've obviously started with their most accessible album, so just about anything else by Opeth will seem complex and uninteresting in comparison. Its best to work your way from most accessible to least accessible...

It also depends on the reasons for you liking Opeth. If its the heaviness than I suggest you buy Deliverance. If its the mellowness then I suggest you buy Damnation. If you like the technical aspect of the music, buy Orchid or Morningrise, though they're difficult to enjoy at first. But I'd say the best rounded Opeth albums would be Still Life and My Arms, Your Hearse.

But it realy depends who you ask, everyone has a different oppinion on this.

Oh, and my personal favorite is My Arms, Your Hearse.
Get Still Life, The Moor made a fan out of my freind who never liked opeth before he heard that plus the album just rules.
I prefer most the other ones to BWP, though thats an awesome album. My personal favorite is Morningrise, but you should be warned that there is almost no verses or chorus on the album, its just five long flowing movements. Still Life is similar to BWP but better IMO, go with that one next.
you'll get a hell of a lot of different opinions here. my personal fav. is also MAYH, but it's hard to say. they're all good.
You say "obtained a copy" like it's hard to find Blackwater Park or something (well, maybe the 2 disc version).

Anyways, check out their earlier stuff and work forward.
You should buy Opeth albums in this order:
1) Blackwater Park (Easy to listen to Opeth)
2) Deliverance (Heavy album to keep you interested)
3) Morningrise (Best Metal album ever)
4) Damnation (Soft and mellow)
5) My Arms, Your Hearse (Best all round Opeth album)
6) Orchid (Very technical)
7) Still Life (Worst Opeth album IMO)
profanity. i know everyone is entitled to their own musical opinions, but you are definetly the only opeth fan i know of that lists still life last. that is my FAVORITE album by them, haha. it's just so well rounded and sounds so excellent. why do you put some of the others ahead of still life??
Here is the order you should purchase them...

1. Blackwater Park (easiest to get into)
2. Deliverance (my least favorite, but again: easy to get into, you'll enjoy it)
3. Still Life (easily the most "complex" opeth album, this one will keep your interest in the long run)
4. My Arms, Your Hearse (the most "doom" like Opeth album, very dreary and bleak, but still great)
5. Morningrise (the single best album ever made IMO, but it is the hardest album to get into)
6. Orchid (in the same style as morningrise, but doesn't flow as well: still, some of their best material is on this album and it is a MUST HAVE)

You can get Damnation at any time in those releases, since it is so completely different from the others and is unbelievable easy to digest (since it's all "verse, chorus, verse, chorus").
Blackwater Park is the best.....

And I disagree with people who claim its their simplest or most accessable, that would go to Still Life (accessability), SL has the catchiest and most melodic guitar melodies that hook you right away. Not that being the most accessable is a bad thing though.... i just don't think BWP is their most.
i also don't get why BWP is overall underrated around here. i guess cause most of the fans are old-school, but you can't deny that BWP is fucking awesome music. i probably listen to that opeth cd the most actually. fantastic cd.
oh BWP is awesome music, its just not quite as amazing on a whole, from start to finsih as some of the others (I find it to have a few weak moments, something I cant say about SL, MR or MAYH), but it definatly has some excellent stuff on it
If you had discovered Opeth with pre-BWP , u would not be so enthusiastic about it . (Not saying bwp sucks or anything )