Best Album?

ffanatic said:
You say "obtained a copy" like it's hard to find Blackwater Park or something (well, maybe the 2 disc version).

Anyways, check out their earlier stuff and work forward.

You don't live in South Africa, you don't know how difficult it is to get hold of music sometimes. As i thought, everybody has different opinions but as far as i can make out, it seems like all their albums are good, so i think i will try and get them all.
Still Life is their best album (With Orchid as a close number 2). I listened to BWP as my first Opeth cd (As most ppl), but it was Still Life that convinced me that Opeth where indeed an extraordinary band!
Profånity said:
You should buy Opeth albums in this order:
1) Blackwater Park (Easy to listen to Opeth)
2) Deliverance (Heavy album to keep you interested)
3) Morningrise (Best Metal album ever)
4) Damnation (Soft and mellow)
5) My Arms, Your Hearse (Best all round Opeth album)
6) Orchid (Very technical)
7) Still Life (Worst Opeth album IMO)

Don't listen to this guy! He's mad and not entitled to any opinion!

Still Life is actually their best. By FAR!!!!
MetallicaSux said:
You don't live in South Africa, you don't know how difficult it is to get hold of music sometimes. As i thought, everybody has different opinions but as far as i can make out, it seems like all their albums are good, so i think i will try and get them all.

Why do you want to look tough with your anti Metallica shit? I don't think it's cool, it's very negative. Why don't show off with the things you DO like. Man I hate Mariah Carey but I don't bother to be posting anti MC shit over here. Grow up will you. If it wasn't for Metallica....yeah you know what I mean....I'm not going into that shit anymore...
Blackwater Park is my third favourite. I'd recommend Morningrise next. My Arms Your Hearse is the best but it isn't too easy to get into. Still Life has its moments as well, it's a good one to get. I think you should get them all eventually. I wouldn't get Deliverance or Damnation next, if I were you.
Gee - I've never seen a thread like this before.

j/k - really, I personally think BWP is their best. Truthfully, it's my favorite album of all-time by anybody. (I actually listened to it twice today)
As of right now this is my list from best to worst, but it kind of changes daily depending on which one im listening to.

1 - Morningrise
2 - My Arms your Hearse
3 - Blackwater Park
4 - Damnation
5 - Deliverance
6 - Still Life
7 - Orchid ( still havent heard it )
My Arms Your Hearse is the best album IMO. I wish I had to original without bonus tracks as well, the 2 covers take away from "Prologue." (as with all bonus tracks put on album on re-issues, well, usually)

Of course each of their albums are amazing, but this is how I rank them.

1. My Arms Your Hearse
2. Orchid
3. Still Life
4. Blackwater Park
5. Morningrise
6. Damnation
7. Deliverance

I can't say you should buy them in this order, because Orchid and MAYH took me a while to get into but now they are my favourites.
Most people seem to hear BWP first, and then work their way from there. I suppose thats because its their most available album.

I got them in this order:
1)Still Life
5)Blackwater Park
7)My Arms, Your Hearse

Though i would not recommend this order of listening unless you have a lot of patience for your music.