The best 20 seconds of opeth.


What is your very favortie 20 seconds of opeth?

A certain riff or part of a song?

What makes your skin fall off?

At the moment, I think the best twenty seconds would either be the climax of Black Water Park, when the extra high pitched guitar kicks in, total chaos.

Or the climax of Black Rose Immortal.

Black Rose Park

Black Water Immortal..

heehee.. I playing with words..


:spin: :spin: :spin:
It must be 'The best five hours and sixteen minutes of Opeth"
Only 5 hrs? 5 hours of Opeth doesnt actually sound like much does it. I mean all these people on this board, all their fans, from 5 hours of product? hm. Although i havent yet listened to all 5 hours in a row, must do that some day soon!

best 20 seconds, lets see, this is easy (reverse psychology... )....
surely it must be....
of course its...
its gotta be....
no doubt in my mind its...


the 20 seconds that end with 'take me awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'
Yeah, it's a tough call, Sullen, but it can be done. Only it has to be changed DAILY! For today...I choose:

In Mist She Was Standing at 9:08 to 9:48 (fuck 20 seconds) but then if you go further to around's too good to stop there.

Or what about at 7:25 in The Twilight Is My Robe. :hotjump: Dude, Anders. Way to go. :grin:

I've had Orchid playing in my car for a long time. See, some friends jumped in my car a while back for a ride and they put my music case in the back window of the car and now I can't reach it from the driver's seat and I always forget and...well, I can't complain. The album is incredibly pleasing.


"Touching her flesh in this night,
My blood froze forever."
At about the 7:25 mark of The Twilight is My Robe - The song swings into high gear and kicks ass with a triumphant 35-45 seconds of material, that as of this moment, I think is Opeth's best.
The opening to Apostle in Triumph sends a chil up my spine every time...
Wish they would've played it live...I wish they had played a seven hour set...

Originally posted by Opet
Or what about at 7:25 in The Twilight Is My Robe. :hotjump:

Originally posted by JesusChristPose
At about the 7:25 mark of The Twilight is My Robe - The song swings into high gear and kicks ass with a triumphant 35-45 seconds of material, that as of this moment, I think is Opeth's best.

:cool: Ah, yes. I'm glad you agree.