Best and worst song they ever made

Favorite(s) - Sixpounder, Hate Me!, Are You Dead Yet?, Punch Me, I Bleed, Children of Bodom, Children of Decadence, Follow the Reaper, Bodom Beach Terror, In Your Face, Silent Night, Bodom Night, Kissing the Shadows, etc., etc.

Worst - Hit Me Baby, One more Time.
I really loved Oops I Did It Again. It's one of the most hilarious songs I ever listened to. Obviously the people who think Oops I Did It Again is bad hasn't listened to songs like Bastards Of Bodom and Angels Don't Kill.
Blue_Jay said:
I really loved Oops I Did It Again. It's one of the most hilarious songs I ever listened to. Obviously the people who think Oops I Did It Again is bad hasn't listened to songs like Bastards Of Bodom and Angels Don't Kill.

For Bastards Of Bodom i agree BUT


OMGWTF r u dumb? Angels Don't Kill is fuckin awesome.