Best and worst song they ever made

Towards Dead End (the attitude of this song is amazing) and Children of Decadence (the keyboard in the first 3 minutes) but pretty much anything off of Hatebreeder or Follow The Reaper, since those albums are so good, and its so hard to pick any one song.

Hellhounds On My Trail, man the band has really dumbed down their style of play, where did all those crazy fast melodies and dual keyboard-guitar parts go?

I hope COB doesnt turn into just another generic metal band.
Towards Dead End (the attitude of this song is amazing) and Children of Decadence (the keyboard in the first 3 minutes) but pretty much anything off of Hatebreeder or Follow The Reaper, since those albums are so good, and its so hard to pick any one song.

Hellhounds On My Trail, man the band has really dumbed down their style of play, where did all those crazy fast melodies and dual keyboard-guitar parts go?

I hope COB doesnt turn into just another generic metal band.

yes, I'm pretty sure they are moving towards becoming a generic metal band :mad:
Shitsongs: are you dead yet, next in line, bastards of bodom, hate crew deathroll, Blooddrunk (whole album), +special bonus living dead beat (the first keyboard lick made me cry... Is this Janne? o_O)
I see.. I think they've changed that plastic sound to something more interesting. I think Janne should try out different freaky sounds on it live, so it would be surprising time after time. It's supposed to get you going wtf is going on.
I think 'Blooddrunk' is a very good album.
Yeah, 'Are You Dead Yet' is maybe the worst album of them but there are many
good moments in it.
Everyone of their albums is so unique and good that there´s not very much

And Knuckleduster is far too underrated song!:erk:

I like Are Youd Dead Yet more than Blooddrunk. I listened to songs like bastards of bodom and other songs from AYDY several times while I got bored after listening to the whole Blooddrunk cd twice.
I like Are Youd Dead Yet more than Blooddrunk. I listened to songs like bastards of bodom and other songs from AYDY several times while I got bored after listening to the whole Blooddrunk cd twice.

How can you get bored of a cd after 2 listens when it takes 20+ to fully understand it? A good thrash album takes a lot of listens to pick up on all the good intricate moments. Overall Blooddrunk is a much more solid cd compared to AYDY once both cds sink in and assuming your brain can grasp thrash riffs.
does anyone else agree with me that blooddrunk and AYDY aren't very good albums...?:puke:

I really miss their classical touch, like what Hatebreeder had.
does anyone else agree with me that blooddrunk and AYDY aren't very good albums...?:puke:

I really miss their classical touch, like what Hatebreeder had.

:erk: Dude it's been said,many times, by most members here. Lots of people including myself, prefered the classical epic solos but the new style is definately still very good music,especially AYDY, and seems like it's here to stay since Alexi said they've found their sound and all. I do miss the old stuff but I dont know how they could have topped FTR anyway.
This clearly makes me weird.

"Next In Line" is actually my favorite COB song, and "Are You Dead Yet?" is my favorite COB album.

It's too hard to pick a least favorite song, Children of Bodom is one of my favorite bands...

OK, if I HAD to pick one, I'm going with "Hate Me!" Didn't really like that song.
yes I know, and figured, but I just felt like complaining out loud. And I also felt the need to combat someone's comment above that mentioned a song from AYDY as a favorite song, which truly, truly injured my soul.