Best Bass Player


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Ok we've done the drummer, guitarist, vocalist, tea lady .. now for the best bass player.

For me, its' a toss up between Stevie Harris and Rob Trujillo (from his old Suicidal/Infectious Groove days).
I'll get in here quick with this one:

Les Claypool
Dan Lilker (just for sheer monsterdom!)
Am I allowed to say Frank or is that too obvious? Seriously though, his stuff on STD and especially on ATL is out there
T_man357 said:
I concur...Definetly great choices!! I would like to add
Geddy Lee, Muzz Skillings & Flea

Hell Yeah, Muzz Skillings!!

Here's one: Art Liboon (10 points for anyone who remembers what band he played in :D ) Great bassist
aliasp said:
Ok we've done the drummer, guitarist, vocalist, tea lady .. now for the best bass player.

For me, its' a toss up between Stevie Harris and Rob Trujillo (from his old Suicidal/Infectious Groove days).
Did you see Rob in the Nickel Creek video? And yes he's good.

I concur about Les Claypool too.

My Favs:

Steve Harris, Geddy Lee, Frankie Bello, Joey Vera, Lemmy (just because),
Cliff Burton (the older I get I'm like damn he was awesome), John Paul Jones.