best black actor?

Freeman's got an incredible voice, but his acting seems to come off as rather holier-than-thou. I prefer the impeccable attitude of Jackson.

btw, forest withaker is my favorite
He was awesome in Ghost Dog.

Freeman's got an incredible voice, but his acting seems to come off as rather holier-than-thou. I prefer the impeccable attitude of Jackson.

Speaking of voices...
Who played that black dude on the wire?
Wait...everyone's black on that show.
The black detective who carves miniatures.
That guy is awesome.
Nearly two full pages and none of you tasteless fucks have mentioned Sidney Poitier? Absolutely pathetic.

I forgot Mos Def, although I wouldn't consider him the best. He is an extroardinary talent though.

Nearly two full pages and none of you tasteless fucks have mentioned Sidney Poitier? Absolutely pathetic.

I would have mentioned Sidney Poitier, but I don't see any range in his characters, he seems to be stuck in the same range of emotions. Otherwise he is a very gifted and legendary actor.
I can't think of many good black actors. Freeman, Jackson and Washington all play the same character in every movie.

For some standout performances I would mention Tony Todd in Candyman and Sidney Poitier in In the Heat of the Night.