Best Books

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House of Leaves is pretty cool. A Song of Ice and Fire is fantastic (newest one not quite as much so, though... perspectives were boring). I've always liked Richard K. Morgan's novels a lot, Gene Wolfe is good, and Neil Gaiman is great (short stories are especially awesome). Stephen King's Dark Tower is damn good stuff up to about #4. China Mievelle writes truly weird, cool dark fantasy, very genre bending stuff (The Scar is probably his best IMO). Dan Simmons is also a badass.
Nope, but I'm planning on picking up Only Revolutions very soon!

I was disappointed, personally.

I also forgot to mention Cormac McCarthy. The Road and No Country For Old Men are the only two I've read by him; planning on picking up Blood Meridian sometime pretty soon.

Oh! And fucking Neal Stephenson! If you haven't read Snow Crash, your life sucks. It's the goofiest, craziest, most downright FUN book I've read in a long time. Intelligent, too, but it doesn't get wrapped up in being overly literary. It's meant to be entertaining, and it certainly is that.
Bruce Campbell - Confessions of a B-movie actor

truly sincere a great read!

great book. Even better actor \m/

Some good books are:

Robert Jordan - Wheel of Time series
Raymond E. Feist - any
R.A. Salvatore - anything by him, but id start with the icewind dale trilogy
David Eddings - belgariad, mallorean, ellenium, tamuli
Margaret Weis/Tracy Hickman - chronicles, legends
Tolkien - LOTR

Joe Haldeman - the forever war (great book about time/space differential. Kinda reminds you of the movie starship troopers, except better)
Greg Egan - axiomatic (bunch of great short stories)
Ursula Leguin - Left hand of darkness

Gary Jennings - Aztec
Irvine Welsh - Trainspotting
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
George Orwell - 1984

i read a lot of these as a kid and some in univ. and still love them. ill never stop reading, it is, and always will be the best form of entertainment! The written word is so much more powerful and expressive than any form of entertainment out there. Im so thankful for books!
Oh! And fucking Neal Stephenson! If you haven't read Snow Crash, your life sucks.

I tried reading Neal Stephensons "Cryptonomicon" and man I could not get into it. After reading 100 pages I still was waaaay lost, I had no idea where I was, who was who, what was going on. I was pretty disapointed cause I wanted to get into the trilogy he wrote after that but Cryptonomicon turned me off Stephenson.
Probably the most original book I've seen - not story wise, but in the way the actual book looks like. I mean, I've never had to flip a book upside down so much, nor flip backwards and forwards so much just to reach the end of the book. There is no book out there like it.

hey goosebumps by r.l. stine did that too!

recently read the potato factory by bryce courtenay. disappointing. took far too long to get into the actual story. but my favourites by far are by the same author, 'the power of one' and 'tandia'. apart from them, the masters of rome series by colleen mccullough is essential especially for history buffs.
Some of my favorites are:
-Stephen Kings Dark Tower Series - the meaning of the word "epic". Though I practically love every King book.
- C.S.S Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia - probably my favorite books, maybe just out of nostalgia. I've read it more than five times.
- Dalton Trumbo's Johnny Got His Gun - As good, if not better, than the song, video clip, and movie combined.
- Ron Leshem's Beuford - Israeli fiction book about the end of the first Lebanon war. It's absolutely spine-chilling and even prophetic.
- J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter series - it does what it's supposed to do perfectly.
- George R. R. Martins Song Of Ice And Fire series - if he never finishes this series, I will never read another one in my life.
- Dan Simmons' Hypernion series - a moving sci-fi book which may drabble a bit, but the rest definately makes up for it.

Anyways, those are the first few that come to mind.

no, you know what? i change my mind. you are not a noob, but you are an idiot. an idiot who neither appreciates music nor literature...and therefore any art. you are so stupid that you can easily be put off by a title that includes the word "solitude" yet you dont mind going off and listening to a song called "ice queen" or whatever the shit thy serpent talk about. but, hey, metal wrath, at least you gave up on the stupid jokes! thats a small step for the forum, but a huge step for you, right?

and the book does not talk about being in solitude for a 100 years but about a family in Colombia. it won the nobel prize.

I read this a few years ago, great book iirc.
Might just read it again.
Yeah, that is good. Stephen King at his finest. It also ties in a bit with the Dark Tower series.
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