Best Books

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The Road--Cormac McCarthy

--A father and son travel through a post-apocalyptic landscape avoiding marauding bands of cannibals. Sounds campy, but trust me the author is of the highest caliber (look him up), and the prose can take your breath away.
carl sagan's "the dragons of eden", about the evolution of human intelligence. simply the best book i've ever read. every intelligent person must give it a read - its THAT good.

brian greene's the elegant universe is awesome read too, if you're interested in contemporary science.
no, you know what? i change my mind. you are not a noob, but you are an idiot. an idiot who neither appreciates music nor literature...and therefore any art. you are so stupid that you can easily be put off by a title that includes the word "solitude" yet you dont mind going off and listening to a song called "ice queen" or whatever the shit thy serpent talk about. but, hey, metal wrath, at least you gave up on the stupid jokes! thats a small step for the forum, but a huge step for you, right?

and the book does not talk about being in solitude for a 100 years but about a family in Colombia. it won the nobel prize.

I wasn't being serious, douche, also I assumed the book was about some dude being in prison for 100 years, which doesn't seem like a good read... And I don't give a fuck about a nobel prize... And I listen to alot of music which is absolutely more tasteful than anything you would listen to...

you are an idiot. an idiot who neither appreciates music nor literature...and therefore any art
I wasn't being serious, douche, also I assumed the book was about some dude being in prison for 100 years, which doesn't seem like a good read... And I don't give a fuck about a nobel prize... And I listen to alot of music which is absolutely more tasteful than anything you would listen to...

Wrath mate, I seriously think you're trying to kill me. All this laughter, I'm gonna bust something :lol:

Seriously though, I'd highly recommend that book, it's very involving. You might like it, quite a lot happens too :)
I wasn't being serious, douche, also I assumed the book was about some dude being in prison for 100 years, which doesn't seem like a good read... And I don't give a fuck about a nobel prize... And I listen to alot of music which is absolutely more tasteful than anything you would listen to...


Jesus dude, you cant be serious? You make me laugh so hard!!! :lol:
Surely your not as mentally-challenged in real life as what you come across on here...
The Road--Cormac McCarthy

--A father and son travel through a post-apocalyptic landscape avoiding marauding bands of cannibals. Sounds campy, but trust me the author is of the highest caliber (look him up), and the prose can take your breath away.

Just finished that a few days ago. Amazing book. I read some great reviews and decided to check it out. Not a lot of action if that is your thing, but very moving. The grammar can take a while to get used to, but it is impressive nonetheless.

As for my faves:
Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
Vertical Run - Gardner
Rising Sun - Crichton
The Dark Tower series - King
Servant of the Shard - Salvatore (all his Drizz't books are good)
Just finished that a few days ago. Amazing book. I read some great reviews and decided to check it out. Not a lot of action if that is your thing, but very moving. The grammar can take a while to get used to, but it is impressive nonetheless.

Sweet! If you get a chance, check out Blood Meridian. It is far beyond brilliant (and ultra-violent if that doesn't bother you).
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - "One Hundred Years Of Solitude"

I felt almost like I would never need any other book again after this one. By a considerable distance the best book I've read. No wonder this guy got a nobel prize for literature. It's so... ambitious, and his gift of language is incredible. Absolutely mind-blowing, IMHO.
Oh yes! Anything by Marquez is a joy to read, his prose is very beautifull.

I'd also recommend:

Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
yeah, McCarthy is pretty amazing, love his prose. I'm halfway through Blood Meridian now, read The Road a few months back, also outstanding. a friend also gave me some Borges, said it's similar. haven't started it yet.

most entertaining book so far this year (well, 2006): World War Z, by Max Brooks. Mandatory reading for zombie fans, especially of the (first 3) Romero movies. Same author as The Zombie Survival Guide (and Mel Brooks' son to boot!), pretty much an expansion of that but in the form of a history book written sometime in the mid 21st century after the Great War. Fascinating mix of military history, sociology, pop culture and lots of gore.

Also recommended for big zombie fans: The Walking Dead graphic novel series (5th trade came out a few months ago).

np: Enslaved - Below the Lights
I think Im gonna pick up the Stephen King Dark Tower series. Havent read Stephen King since high school... Nightmares and Dreamscapes, Talisman, The Stand.

So no one here has read Shantaram... Man I cant recomend that book more!!!

Oh and I saw that Zombie survival guide in the store the other day and that seemed really great.

Currently Im reading the biography of Napoleon called... Napoleon. I just figured I needed to know more about that guy since I found out that Stanley Kubrick was working on a movie about him which he never actually got to make. Kubrick spent 5 year making notes on every single day of Napoleons life on tiny index cards, he was gonna make his ultimate masterpiece on Napoleon.... but unfortunately this movie will never be made, shame!
So many books that i love but these are my fave off the top of my head-

John Milton's Paradise Lost
The Outsiders
Left Behind series
The Lovely Bones
and i love... absoloutely ADORE Harry Potter :p
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