Best Books

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the works of Tom Sharpe and Terry Pratchett if you love to laugh out loud. I'm now trying to get through Anne Rice's The Vampire Armand. dont know what's wrong but I dont like this one... read almost everything by her but this one... pffffffffffffff
Yeah, Terry Pratchett is quite good. I enjoy reading his books very much.

But how could I forget Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy??? It's a fuckin masterpiece!
Congratulations, i aint play this. You have just exposed yourself for the philistine / ignoramous that you are.

These i read in the last 5 years and are superb (dunno about life changing but definitely superb):

His Dark Materials trilogy - Phillip Pulman
In The Country of Last Things - Paul Auster
Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood
The Ned Kelly Gang - Peter Carey
Brother Number one (Biography on Pol Pot) - David P Chandler
The Count Of Montechristo - Alexander Dumas
the works of Tom Sharpe and Terry Pratchett if you love to laugh out loud. I'm now trying to get through Anne Rice's The Vampire Armand. dont know what's wrong but I dont like this one... read almost everything by her but this one... pffffffffffffff

It is really bad. I typically lke her stuff, and I'm no homophobe, but the man/boy love things in it kind of put me off. Also, really slow. She was way off her game in that one.

I've begun Only Revolutions and it's mostly annoying. I'm hoping to like it, but I'm starting to wish MZD would just write something with a more standard narrative. I thought HOL had a decent story (btw, it isn't just on 2 levels, it's more like 3, possibly 4: Truant, Zampano, and the documentarian whose name I forget, and the mother (though maybe that's just Johhny). While that was fun, the tricks used in OR just seem like that: tricks. I'm hoping there's a redeeming story somewhere. As for the Fifty Year Sword, I feel lucky to have copy since they're pretty seriously limited, but just flipping through it seems like I might not like it any better. Too bad, since HOL is such a cool book.
A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin
After the First Death by Robert Cormier
1984 by George Orwell
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
The Count Of Montechristo - Alexander Dumas

Such a great classic adventure story about revenge. Such a great author also!

And I forgot to add to my list the works of Jules Verse such as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Captain Nemo is one of the greatest characters in literary history.
Sweet! If you get a chance, check out Blood Meridian. It is far beyond brilliant (and ultra-violent if that doesn't bother you).

You're the 2nd person that's recommended that book to me in the last few days. Some of the reviews make it sound like the second coming of Christ! I think I am going to read No Country for Old Men first since I already bought it, but I'll check out Blood Meridian after that.
great book. Even better actor \m/

Some good books are:

Robert Jordan - Wheel of Time series
Raymond E. Feist - any
R.A. Salvatore - anything by him, but id start with the icewind dale trilogy
David Eddings - belgariad, mallorean, ellenium, tamuli
Margaret Weis/Tracy Hickman - chronicles, legends
Tolkien - LOTR

Joe Haldeman - the forever war (great book about time/space differential. Kinda reminds you of the movie starship troopers, except better)
Greg Egan - axiomatic (bunch of great short stories)
Ursula Leguin - Left hand of darkness

Gary Jennings - Aztec
Irvine Welsh - Trainspotting
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
George Orwell - 1984

i read a lot of these as a kid and some in univ. and still love them. ill never stop reading, it is, and always will be the best form of entertainment! The written word is so much more powerful and expressive than any form of entertainment out there. Im so thankful for books!

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