Best clean amp sim

That depends on what kind of clean tone we're talking about here, I love the sound of the Peavey Classic in Revalver MK III and you can achieve great results with the Vintage Amp Room amps.
Haven't tried any free amp sims tho.
there is one in Revalver called "Matchbox".
works really good for clean sounds imo.
I've heard the Fender (Twin?) model in the Simulanalog Suite is good (I asked about it awhile ago, downloaded it, but have yet to try it :D)
I second the Matchbox amp in Revalver. It's an original amp not modeled after anything. I like it with the Vintage 4x12 impulse that comes with Revalver.
I thought so too, but it turns out it's just a naming coincidence according to the guys over at the Revalver forums.
Thanks guys. I've tried the SimulAnalog Twin simulation in the past, and want to try something a bit different, more 'realistic' sounding if you will. I really dig the cleans on Opeth's 'Damnation'.