Best current metal bassists?

Distorted bass FTW!:kickass:
Sure, she only does what she have to, but I wouldn't want it any other way in Bolt Thrower.

Most metal bass i distorted but Jo has turned it up a notch more than most. As I said, she is reliable and has great tone (on record - dont know about live). I think some mention her because of her gender though in discussions on great bass players.
The bass player that influences me the most currently is Justin Chancellor of Tool. He always plays interesting stuff, his sound is half of what makes Tool be what it is, he loves to experiment with effects and he always plays whats relevant - never to much and never to little. There are many bas splayers that are good to great but Justin is one of those people that I find has some real uniqueness to him. I can't say the same for some other people who have fantastic technique but really doesnt push their playing towards something special.

+1 I am aware of Justin's work and i agree! and I read that Andy Saxton took influence from Justin on the opening song from his first album
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There are two correct answers to this topic and they are

Al Cisneros and Albert Witchfinder

No one else even comes close as far as current bassists.
There's nothing wrong with a bass player that uses a pick. There's a significant difference between bass tone with a pick and bass tone without, and therein lies the reason for some bass players choosing to use a pick.

Cameron Grant from Psycroptic is a good example of a bassist who uses a pick really well. I saw them live last week and his tone was awesome and totally added to the sound of the band.