Best Dark Tranquillity Song EVER!?!?!

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that´s what we´re kind of trying to decide in the sticker polls ;)

as for me, there are too many alternatives, but nether novas is up there.

no fuckin outwar monsters here, eh rahvin? :mad:
For me, it's Punish My Heaven.

BTW, those polls makes me want to throw up, when are they gonna disappear? 2006 or something? Anyway, atleast they're kind of on-topic, can't say that about most of the stuff on this forum...
what delirious said.

@morei: just take a look at the board before posting new threads, it doesn't take that long. we have polls running right now: add your vote there. ;)
this gets closed, because it's rather useless.

@dim: you won't die from spam even if i don't notice this thread less than 15' after it was started, you know?

@mp-akk: i agree, and you're welcome to start many an interesting thread about dark tranquillity. i sometimes do, and they usually die (without your contribution on) after about 20 replies.

@tranquillian: i don't see why you post and report the thread at the very same time. :err:
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