Best ever: musicians in studio stereotypes.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
I was reading my recording mag as I most often do when I am bored (found out there is a Jimi Hendrix amplitube 20) and found an article by Frank Gryner a LA Engineer.

He pointed out 9 types or stereotypical musicians found in the studio when recording (quoted from Recording - The Magazine For The Musician, April 2007 pg 18):

The Wannabe A guy who knows just enough about recording to be annoying but not enough to be actually helpfull. Whether he is planting seeds of doubt in your ability with the others, or trying to appeal to you at your level, his near mindless gear chatter and shitty pointers get old fast.

The Condescender He is a more exstream version of the wannabe. His efforts to have you beleive that he knows more than you about recording only prove that he cares more about his ego than empowering you to make his band sound great. (My singer is this asshole :lol:)

The passive agressor He is to much of a chicken shit to say whats on his mind to your face. He waits till he is not in the studio to talk shit about your skills (I summerized this one).

The OC guy Okay details matter... but not all the time, and especially not when there are bigger issues that need attention first. There's always someone who zooms into the small stuff too soon. It's important to stand your ground and not let this guy's OCD bog down the session.

The Constant Worrier Negative energy can really make life miserable in the studio. There are enough legitimate things to worry about without some band guy prematurely freaking out over mastering or album art during a tracking session.

The Idea Guy As much as I (Frank the guy writting this) encourage the studio to be a free, creative space, why does there always have to be the one person present who riuns it for everyone? Yeah, you know the guy-the fellow who has too many "bright" ideas than what time allows, spiraling the session into a creative black hole that yields the phrase (the next day): "What the fuck were we thinking?" (My drummer is this guy only it sucks cause he pretty much can't communicate his half baked ideas cause he is a drummer).

There are three others that he didn't give these awsome descriptions and they are: The Self Sabotager, Reactionary Guy (god love those dudes), and the Manipulator.

It was so awome cause you know, everyone in here can realate! :lol:

I would just like to say once more also, that these words are not mine and the author who deserves the credit for it is Frank Gryner. This can be found in Recording April 2007 magazine.

When I'm not recording I'm the idea guy. I come up with good shit way to late for it to be done properly