best half stack for metal....


New Metal Member
Dec 30, 2007
i was planning on buying a new half stack soon and wanted to know what people are using or recommend. i was looking at the Marshall tsl 100 or Marshall jvm 410. any suggestions?
It would be tough to beat a Peavey 5150 w/4x12 of 2 v30 and 2 12h30 in a X pattern. I'd look at Avatar for a cabinet. Classic crunch and plenty of gain that won't kill your wallet.

Is that the best? Well that's a matter of opinion, but a great starting point.
I want to get a Peavey JSX with a JSX cab. I'm not super big on Satriani & his tone never stood out for me, but I swear these amps are PERFECT for what I do. Great clean & smooth distortion tone, but a hefty price. All I ask is that if money is not much of an issue try one of these out before you buy something else, or you might wind up hating yourself in the future for not buying one instead of what you got, LIKE I DID :( I think these came out on the market about one damn month after I got my amp.