Best Katatonia album

Blue Moon

Staring at the Sun
Nov 14, 2001
Down the Hallway of Always

Well, you've got the idea by now I presume. I don't own any album, I've listened to a few songs that I cannot name nor can I say on wich album they are... Pretty depressing stuff. I'd like to know more about them, so I'd like to hear your favorite(s) and why.

Make your hearts bleed.
it depends of what you are looking for

if you want "extreme doom metal" dunno if that label exists, it's just to give you an idea, so you would fall in love with Brave Murder Day, that i consider as the best album of the genre and Dance of December Souls, who has a lot of black metal influences ...

after BMD, they used only clean vocals ... the three last albums are all great (especially the last, Last Fair Deal gone down in my opinion, but there is no album who seems far more popular are the others)

if you are a fan of extreme metal, buy Brave Murder Day, you won't regret it ... if not, buy Tonight's Decision or LFDGD (and let them the time to grow into you, it's not the kind of album you love after only one listening)

for me, LFDG is definitely the album of the year ...
Brave Murder Day is an utter classic of the doom genre- that's an opinion shared by everyone, I think (if I may be so bold as to speak for everyone ;) ). If you can handle death-metal vocals (by the guy from Opeth if that means anything to you), then go for it- a totally mesmerising experiance, some of the riffs will rip your heart out, they are so beautiful. Stunning.
As Aegis said, the last 3 albums have clean vocals, and all quite different. Discouraged Ones is wonderfully depressive, very introverted and self-concious, probably my fav of the last 3. Tonight's Decision is slightly more upbeat (slightly), more focused in the vocal department. The new one is more varied, alot of different influences coming through, and proably their strongest collection of songs, in that they can all stand on their own. Previous albums are best (IMO) taken as a whole. If you're more into straight metal songs, give the new one a shot.

They are all really good, though.
all Katatonia's stuff is brilliant, LFDGD is brilliant and its a pitty no one buys it :cry: , when it got released it was £10 and in a cool opening cardboard sleeve thingy too. it was put along with loads of copies on the Metal new releases thingy (where stuff like Slipknot new album and Emperor etc gets put) and only me and my friend seemed to be the ones who bought it. i went back a week later and no one had touched the album, then another week later they were put back to the normal space. Katatonia should and do have the right to be one of the best bands around, if people had the opertunity to hear them then they would love em. im just happy im seeing my 2 fav bands in 2 days time :hotjump: :headbang:
There's also Sounds of Decay EP in which Mikael Åkerfeldt performed the vocals. It's another must own for everyone, but a slight drawback is that nowadays it's so damn rare. I haven't managed to get one in my possession yet. I'm working hard on it though. However, go and buy Brave Murder Day tomorrow. Tonight's Decision is also a great album. In my opinion it was a slight step towards BMD's sound after mellower Discouraged Ones, at least in some parts.