Best Live Band

well maybe a few from Australia have heard of this band " Pornland " fucking sick funk/porno style of music.They are fucking very tight and some of the band members can play 3 instruments each. They also have a little show they put on in introducing the band members they all have stage names which sound like porno stars names and then after the gig u get drunk with them and talk shit, apart from them i didnt want to say Opeth first cos alot of people did
The only 'concerts' I've been to have been utter shit, so my best live experiences have been at local gigs, with local bands. Quilters Bane (RIP) and Aftershok used to be some of the more prominent extreme metal bands from here, and I assure you, their shows would blow your mind. Going hard at the front of the pit at the age of 13 definitly give a good early experience. Those bands influenced me to start a band, and to resurrect the metal scene over here.
greatapoc said:
Ugh. The Datsuns were fucking terrible. Even the St. Anger songs were great. I'm not really into those songs but they sounded awesome live.
actually datsuns played pretty tight and the tallica fans throwin shit at em were just fucking close minded bullshit
just cuz they are diff genre and at no where successful as tallica it dont mean they r shit
im not a fan of em but i believe they played well, just as well as metallica...
well metallica.. after watching 1.5yr with metallica, Cunning Stunts and S&M on DVD, all their live songs seem so choreographed and... so routine-like
found some of it, even the classics like puppets seem.. so.... i dunno, nothing new and exciting...
but the fireworks were awesome and the band gave their good performance i suppose
We had the same here over in Perth except for about 3 or 4 hours before Metallica even started to play. It was fucking rude. When The Dandy Warhols played, all the 'tallica fans already took a place at the moshpit and yelled out 'Metallica!!!!!!!!!' and 'Fuck off "insert band name"'...

The main stage was right next to the stage where The Strokes played and everyone in the mainstage pit kept shouting "Fuck off Strokes!" It was annoying...very annoying...Just shows how stupid and fucking rude Metallica fans are....Oh well...

Either way, I enjoyed Metallica playing but I was more impressed by Muse. Destroyer 666 are also fucking awesome live. I went to Tool's gig in 2002 and it blew me away and I wasn't even in the pit. APC are awesome live. There was this dickhead who climbed up a pillar and took a seat on a metal frame near the ceiling. You could tell Maynard wasn't very impressed, but he and Jeordie White played along with it and got a chant starting "Get the fuck down! Get the fuck down!". The guy didn't get down but they still played an awesome set.
I'd say Death was a great live band, although I have only seen them on DVD.
Extol was pretty unbelievable live, you want to headbang, but you don't b/c you're in awe of all that's going on. And that they can do all those hair tornado's while keeping tight and controlled is amazing.
i might go with Dimmu here.

They have amazing stage presence, all of them in their own way.
Saw them with Bodom, Hypocrisy, and Nevermore. Simply mindblowing.